Sunday, December 18, 2005

Countdown to going home...

Well I'm back from Vancouver. It was really nice there - the weather was only about -4 degrees but it was sunny, sunny, sunny. I think that was the first time that I've ever been to Vancouver when it was nice and sunny out.

I'm looking forward to going home this Friday and being in Alberta for a week. Not just because I'm going shopping with no PST! but I hope to see a lot of friends.

We've had a lot of snow since I've left and I went to shovel the front sidewalk, but the city had come by and did it for me. Poor girls are going stir crazy as it is too cold and the snow is too deep for them.

Not much else going on. Just trying to keep warm and stay happy.

Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Dana's Christmas Tree

Step 1 - I missed the "fluffing" of the tree. Plus putting on the 750 lights. I did help with the final placing of the pearl strings. It really is a nice tree - very full and you can only tell it is fake if you are right up close.

Step 2 - Putting on the bows and inside glass balls.

Step 3 - More glass balls.

Step 4 - Yet more glass balls.

Step 5 - Finished!

Another view.

DONE! Picture would look a little better if it was darker. Tree is very beautiful.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Dana & Valerie's Horrible Adventure

Ok, Dana and I had a wonderful weekend planned. This was the weekend we both took off work and were going to go down to the States for some shopping (on Saturday) and relaxation. I'd get time to spend with my future sister-in-law (yes Aunt Judy, I'm working on her for Rod!), we'd do some shopping and not work one weekend. On Sunday I planned to go over to Dana's house to help her put her tree up. She says its a 7 hour event, so we'll see.

Friday night Dana came over for dinner and we sat around and organized everything for the trip. We ate dinner, watched a movie and she was ready to go home. That is when it happened. Her car would not start. No matter what we tried, it would not start. It was not her battery as everything came on. At first we thought the gas line had frozen, but it really wasn't that cold. We came back into the house and phoned for a tow truck. The driver was supposed to be at my place in less than 60 minutes.

Two hours later he came and asked what the problem was. Dana said it would not start or turn over. So the guy got in the car and it turned over! We were stumped. We had tried several different times and nothing happened for us. So Dana went home and I told her to call me when she got in the door just in case something happened on the road. She called me just after 1 am as she arrived safely.

So Saturday was a bust. Dana had to take her car in and we stayed up too late to be able to drive to the States. I stayed home with the girls and we watched movies all day long. Dana and I arrange for me to go over to her house for the huge Christmas decorating event on Sunday.

Sunday comes, I pack my things up and put the girls in the car. I get in and turn the car over - NOTHING HAPPENS! I could not believe it but this time the battery was dead. I got the car boosted and off we went.

I only spent half the day helping Dana put up her tree, but it came together nicely. I did take pictures and will post them later on.

We are HOPING next weekend to do the States trip for shopping, so let's keep our fingers crossed.

I'm going to Vancouver in two weeks and then it is HOLIDAYS! I can't wait. I'll be in Calgary for the week between Christmas and New Years.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Just a quick update

Well work sucks and I need to win the lotto.

I know everyone thinks that, but for me it's true. I'm stuck between two old companies and there is such a pissing match going on, it is crazy. I don't know what I got myself into.

Enough of work. I'm going to MEXICO! Ok, not until February, but I'm going for two weeks with my brother and his friends. He needs a chaperone ya know! hehe It is all exclusive - Rod is gonna pay for everything right! ;)

Jacki has been a wonderful help being here. She has been looking after my girls while I work late and she has been making me dinner. She is really spoiling me.

My buddy Dana and I are going to a craft fair this weekend after I get the grey taken out of my hair. Next weekend we are going to run to the States for a shopping trip and then I'm helping her put up her Christmas tree. I guess it is an all day affair - I'll update you all next week.

Tomorrow we have our company Christmas party for the clients. Should be interesting as everyone keeps raving about their parties. The big cheese from Vancouver is coming out so I get stuck in meetings BEFORE the party - oh the fun.

I am missing Sheila & John's Thanksgiving party this weekend (big pout) and I'm sad I can't go. I miss them so much, even John's craziness! I will miss seeing Debbie & George & the whole beagle gang. I know the girls really misses everyone too. I said Brodie's name the other day and Snoopy went balistic.

Here's a cute picture of Snoopy sleeping. As you can see she is horribly abused and the SPCA should be called.
That's all for now.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Winter is Here

I stayed home today. I am able to work from home (which is one good perk). I was already to go to the bus and have my first adventure to downtown but it was no use. We waited around and heard that our bus was jack knived down the road. The other bus wasn't coming anytime soon. I thought that instead of trying to commute and sitting in traffic, I could go home and get some work done. So I spent the whole day at home working. I'm still behind, but at least I was able to get field working for tonight.

The snow really came down and is extremely heavy. I think we got about 2 feet. Paige was having a blast trying to make her way through the snow. Snoopy was ok, but Cali.... she hasn't been outside all day! I think I'm going to have to hold her over the toilet and squeeze her. I went to the back door, tried to get her to go outside and she just stood there with this horrified look on her cute little face and shook. Needless to say I didn't push it.

Mom, dad & Paige are thinking about leaving tomorrow morning but I don't want them too. I think they should stay until the roads are a little better, but they want to leave. I must be a terrible host!

Front yard

Back yard facing house.

Back yard with Paige.

Alley - they clean them out here!

Monday, November 07, 2005

I tried to kill my mom!

I had a great surprise last week. On Wednesday, I had the girls with me at the office to catch up with some work, and I got a phone call. Mom, Dad & Jacki were at my house! The girls and I drove home and we had visitors. They drove out in the morning and are staying with me for a few weeks.

This past weekend my friend Dana and I told Mom & Jacki that we should walk to Sugar Mountain. This is a candy store which is geared towards adults due to it having a lot of "old" fashioned candy. Remember WigWags? The Red Wax lips? This store has it all. Anyways Dana and I took Mom, Jacki, Paige, Snoopy & Cali for a walk to the store from my house. It was about 9:30 pm when we started out. It was a little bit of a walk but we got to the store. I stayed out with the dogs while the rest went in side. We were on our way home when Mom said she couldn't go any further. She was tired. Unfortunately I (nor Dana) brought our cell phones. So Dana, Snoopy & I ran home to pick up the car. We drove to find Jacki, Mom, Paige & Cali about 7 blocks from the house. They were tired and cold.

Needless to say, we had been gone on our walk for about 3 hours. And it was 3.5 kms each way! Mom couldn't hardly move the next day.

Sunday we put the Christmas lights on my house and did some yard work. I'm gonna take the gang to Wing night Tuesday (my night to cook!)

My Baby Brother Visits ME!

Rod came out to visit me the last weekend in October. Ok, so the real reason is that I'm trying to set him up with my friend and co-worker Dana. I think they would make a good couple, so I convinced him to come out for a visit.

Rod had a good adventure. I was at work when he came into town on the Friday, so he took a limousine to my house. Apparently there were no taxi cabs around so he took a limo - just something my brother would do.

Dana & I came home Friday night to pick Rod up for supper. We all decided we wanted Sushi so we went to this great Sushi/Martini bar. It was a good meal. Rod & Dana picked on me (I know, they weren't nice!) and I think they sort of hit it off. After dinner we went to a walk to Sugar Mountain to wear off some dinner and drinks. Being still early in the night, we decided that Rod needed a visit to the Palomino Club.

If you've never been to Winnipeg, this is a club to see. It has a wide range of people who go there. Anyone from age 18-80 goes. The fashions, ages, styles are just too funny. It is a great place to people watch. We saw one guy who looked exactly like Joe Pesci from the movie "My Cousin Vinny". He had the slicked back black hair, cowboy boots on and a really nice bright blue suit jacket. We had a great time.

On Saturday I took Rod shopping at the Forks to buy Mom a birthday present. We also picked up some hockey tickets for the Manitoba Moose hockey game. They are the farm team for Vancouver. We had a good time but froze our asses off. Ok, everyone who has gone to a professional hockey game knows, that you should not need a winter jacket, scarf, mittons or hat to watch a game inside. Our seats (3 rows up from the ice) were friggin cold! Ya think with a NEW building, they would think about putting heat in the place - GUESS NOT!!!! Even though it was cold we had fun.

After the hockey game we ended up in this great lounge at Ray & Jerry's. You walk in and it is an old retro lounge - red leather chairs and a bar menu from the 50s. The only thing that was missing was Frank Sinatra or Sammy Davis Jr. playing in the back ground.

Sunday we relaxed before having to take Rod to the airport. Hopefully I'll have a new sister in the future - NO PRESSURE ROD!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Life in Winnipeg

Things are starting to settle down and me and the girls are getting into our groove. I've been taking the bus to work, so that forces me to leave work at a reasonable time as I have to come and let the girls out.

This past week has been busy so I'm trying to take the weekend off. Also I haven't spent a lot of time with the girls this week, so I'm home bound Sunday.

Yesterday Dana & I were going to go to a corn maze, but the people who we were going to go with backed out. So instead she made me dinner and we watched a movie. At 10:30 pm we decided that we needed to go for a walk. We picked up the girls and drove to the Forks. We had a really nice 2 hour walk by the Assiniboine River, stopped at Starbucks and were home by 1 am.
We had weird weather yesterday - it rained, was sunny, cloudy, cold, warm. So far we have had a really nice fall.
This is short as I have some work to do. Hopefully I'll have some great stories next week as Rod is coming into town.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Quilt Show in Winnipeg

Well for a short week, it sure was L-O-N-G. Work was busy, oh there is a shock. Things are starting to go ok I guess.

Went to Wing night on Tuesday and everyone was kinda tired. It was a weird day and it seemed to follow us in the evening. We didn't stay long but tried to have a good time.

Excitement for the week - another dentist appointment at 7 am today! Woo hoo... the life I live. There was less freezing this time, but I'm more sore this time. And my face is still swollen a bit. I've taken so much Advil today, ya think I was a junkie. I tried having mushroom soup for lunch, but couldn't get past the mushrooms - they were too big! I hope this swelling an pain goes away soon. I'm tired of having a sore jaw.

This evening Dana and I went to a quilt show. I took some pictures for my mom (hi mom!) of quilts I thought were nice and/or different.

I've convinced my baby brother to come and see me. Ok really to meet Dana, but he fell for it anyways. So he's coming to see me the last weekend in October. I can't wait.

Well I'm tired, in pain and have a sore jaw, so that's all I have for now. Take care everyone!

PS. Mel, the dessert place we went to was JUST DESSERTS. We're gonna hit BAKED EXPECTATIONS this weekend.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Leaves, leaves, leaves

I would like to know who put the bug in my ear that living on a street with trees that form a canopy over the street was a good idea! I think I've raked enough leaves to bury my house! It took me 2 hours this afternoon to rake the leaves in the front today.

It was a really nice day today so the girls and I spent most of it outside raking leaves (both front and back yard) and preparing the ole homestead for winter. While I was raking the leaves and I've noticed other people mowing their lawns. Seems to me I need to either find an attachment to my lawn mower to add a bag or get a new lawnmower. We'll see what happens in the spring.

I cleaned a few flower beds (weeds) out, put the LONG downspouts on, and just puttered. Yesterday I changed the lock on my garage to be like my favourite brother's. I need to get him out here soon as I have a girl for him!

I went over to Dana's for Thanksgiving tonight. It was really nice and I had cabbage rolls and pumpkin pie - what more could I have asked for (besides being with my family). Dana and I were talking about Rod and she needs to meet him. I think they'd make a very cute couple - they have so much in common.

I took the girls to an "offleash" park yesterday. Deb, Sheila - you'd laugh. I think it took us about 5 minutes to walk it. One offleash park down, 10 to go. There are only 11 in Winnipeg so I'm hoping to find one where the girls can explore and have fun. Otherwise I think we'll have to find a rich farmer (straight!) who will let us run out in the country some where. What are the chances of that happening?

Well I'm stuffed from dinner, so this will be a short one. I want to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Haunting in Winnipeg

OK I think my house is haunted. I have been hearing weird noises at night and my bathroom door appears to close by itself. I was in the shower the other day and had the door closed just a bit. It then slammed shut. Either the girls have grown thumbs to close the door or I have a ghost. I've also heard squeaking on the floors as if someone is walking on them.

OR, it could be that I've just seen the Possession of Emily Rose, The exorcist and The Texas Chainsaw Murderer, so my mind is playing tricks. HA HA

We had a snow storm yesterday but we didn't get much snow. Apparently the rural areas got hit harder than we did. Otherwise the weather has been nice for the fall.

Work has been going and going and going. We're having a problem hiring staff so projects aren't getting done. Of course I have to figure out what to do, so it has been busy.

I was sick yesterday and most of you will be surprised to hear that I stayed home! Yes, I just thought that if I was hit by a bus, the company would go on so one day wouldn't kill them.

The girls are doing good. We went for a walk today, saw a bunny rabbit so had to quickly move to the other side of the street as the girls didn't see it.

Thanksgiving will be lonely this year as I won't get to go home as I can't take the girls. So we'll be having a cornish hen and fries and a pumpkin muffin for dessert.

That's all for now folks!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

A week in my new home

It has almost been a week now since I got possession of the house. Everything is settling down and I'm just finding a few things that need to be changed. I'm making a HUGE list for the next time mom & dad come - they're gonna be busy! Ok, not really but I have to bug them somehow.

First I have to say THANK YOU to Jacki, mom & dad (& Paige!) for coming out and helping me get settled. I would still be working at this if they didn't help. I didn't know I had so much STUFF and thought I got rid of a lot.

It took Jacki a whole day just to get the kitchen in order. I have had to change a few things, but it is working well for me. As you can see by the picture below, I need a library ladder to get to my cupboards. Curse of being short.

Mom was a smart ass as she decided to put my craft room together and it took her no time. She came downstairs saying she had her room done and she was ready to go home. This was Tuesday. She did a good job though.

We got the dining room setup so we could at least sit down somewhere to eat. BUT, I didn't get my refrigerator delivered until Wednesday and we didn't go shopping until Thursday. So we were eating out and having toast for most of the first few days.

Mom and Jacki spent almost a whole day putting up pictures so the place looks like a real home now. I really didn't care how they got up, just that they did. I was being torn in 6 million directions so I told them to go for it. Again they did a good job and I really like what they had accomplished. The living room is all "formal" now, as formal as you can get with my junk.

My bedroom is on the East side of the house, so I get some real nice sunrises in the mornings. My window looks out to the back yard so I can watch the birds in the back.

I have two bathrooms in the house and I'm glad I do. With my guests, one bathroom would have been a nightmare. The main bathroom is small, but it has a great shower and tub. I just love it.

A friend that I have met here in Winnipeg - Greg - came over the other day and finally helped me get my stereo/TV system setup in the basement. I am now ready for hockey games and movies. The girls have spoken for their spots and are waiting for the popcorn to fall on the floor.

When the washer/dryer got delivered, they build a stand for them so they are off the floor (in case of water damage - let's hope NOT!). The laundry room is all setup and I love my washer/dryer. Yes that's hokey but I'm wacky to begin with!!

Finally, for my guests (HINT, HINT), I have a beautiful guest bedroom and the bathroom in the basement has a great shower. Right now the guest bedroom bookings are available, so if you are wanting to visit and thought the room would be taken, it's not!

I had a party on Saturday night and had a wonderful surprise of Maureen Fedorus being in town and staying at my place. It was great to see her again.

The girls are getting settled, work is too busy and the yard has leaves calling my name to be raked up.

I hope everyone is doing well, please post/email me soon.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

2 Days and Counting

Well I'm officially on holidays, but will have to go into the office today and tomorrow. There are some problems with a few projects that I want to see to the end which is Sunday. So I'll be going in and checking on them before Monday. Come Monday though the cellphone doesn't get answered and email won't be checked (ok I'll try to NOT check my work email).

I had another stressful week. As of Friday I have worked 12 days in a row so I was a little sensitive. There seems to be a little "pissing" match between the offices and I'm the one in the middle. I'm getting pulled in both directions so I really, really need this coming week off. I told everyone that I'm completely unavailable. We've had to outsource some projects and the president isn't happy about this. So I had to read the riot act to my Field Manager as he hasn't really been doing his job and he is not really creative. In his position he has to be. Plus right now since I'm so busy trying to get the two office connected and getting our predictive dialer up and running, I haven't had the time to check to see what he is doing. He better shape up, otherwise look out.

I was so overwhelmed on Tuesday that I had to leave the office for a good hour and a half. If I had my keys and purse with me, I honestly can say I would not have gone back. I was that mad and upset. I'm only one person and am pulled in two directions so I had to tell everyone that I can only do one thing at a time. We'll see what happens.

This being Saturday I wanted to sleep in, but I couldn't. I woke up all night long, hoping the day would come so I would be a day closer getting into my house. Huguette and I went to the house on Tuesday to do some measuring. I actually just wanted to go into the house again just so I could remember it. That made me excited as I wasn't really excited until I saw it again.

So I'm trying to figure out how I'm gonna decorate, where the furniture will be, etc., etc. I hope to have everything ready before the movers come on Monday. I went on Thursday and bought my fridge, washer & dryer and got a really good deal. The appliances will be delivered on Tuesday, so I'm gonna have to take mom & dad out for breakfast.

It will be nice to stop living out of a suitcase and have my own space again. Huguette has been wonderful but working and living together is tough. Not that we have fought or anything, but I'd like to have some alone time. I really don't know how I'm gonna repay her for this so will have to think hard.

I have cleaned up all the pictures off my digital camera so I'll be posting pictures of the house when I get in there. I'll take before and after shots if I get a chance. I was also thinking about ripping up the rug in the dining room before the movers come to expose the hardwood floor, but will see if I get a chance to or not.

The girls from work took me out for dinner on my birthday. We went to this restaurant and had seafood and wine. It was really nice. Then we went to a dessert place by Huguette's and I had this wonderful chocolate cake with cream cheese icing - just to die for. I'll have to take ma & pa there when they are in town. Dad will be in heaven.

That's all I have for now, I'm gonna try and relax and not stress out about work but you all know me. I'm a helpless cause.

I miss you all. Please post or email me.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Portage & Main

The famous...... Portage & Main

Favourite Building

I just love these buildings...they are my favourite so far that I can see from the board room (aka fire escape).

Arthur Street Pictures

Picture taken from the fire escape on the 8th floor, looking down on Arthur Street.

Another picture of Arthur Street. I just love the buildings and the roadway.

Working Weekend

This was a very productive weekend. I worked all weekend (YUK!). I know, I know... I can hear you all now. But I was so behind last week due to the installation of the dialer and having to get the new 32 seat centre up and running.

So I spent 5 hours on Saturday testing all the workstations and equipment. Everything is perfect - thank you. I cleaned up the mess (picky me) and hate that I still have a lot of boxed lying around but I have no storage whatsoever. I'm hoping to post some pictures later today. I then drove back to Hughette's condo (I'm staying with her until I get my house next Monday!) and picked her up. We went to look at appliances and I found this wonderful chaise lounge. Yes, I know I tend to wander, but it really is a nice piece of furniture. Guests from out West (hint, hint) will love it. I know what I want, I just need to get into the house to measure for the fridge.

I drove by the house and am now really excited about finally getting into the shack and setting my little world up. Plus getting my girls and having my parents visit!

Today I got a ton of paperwork out of the way and organized for my meetings this coming week. It is going to be busy yet again, due to having 2 dentist appointments and getting things ready for the move

I just took some pictures from the fire escape on the 8th floor here so will post them when I get back to Huguette's as my work laptop sucks and I have troubles transferring photos.

That's all for now.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Very Long Week

Well last weekend (the long one!) I went back home to see the girls and visit family & friends. Jacki & dad picked me up from the airport early Saturday morning and they brought the girls. Jacki drove up and the girls were sitting in the back seat looking the other way. I jumped into the back seat and they looked at me then looked away as if to say "oh, it's just you". Both looked away and ignored me the drive to mom & dad's. They were kind of standoffish the whole day. Jacki & I went back into town to spend the day together and this must have worked as the girls started giving me some attention! I sure miss those little dogs and can't wait until I get them back.

It was a nice weekend and I got a chance to do a final beagle walk with my best beagle buddies - Deb, Sheila & John. We had a nice walk and then I went to see Sheila & John's new house. It is really nice and I'm sure they'll really enjoy it. I am also jealous that they are taking possession a week earlier than me! :( But I'm happy for them. We then went over to Deb & George's for dinner and a fun get together. I was sad to leave, but had to.

This past week has been horribly stressful. I have been working my butt off expanding the call centre to add another 32 workstations and installing the dialer so we can be more profitable, but since there have been problems in the original call centre, I got flack for that. The projects aren't doing that great and of course they are blaming field - even though the projects were bid wrong! I was actually ready to come on by Wednesday, as I was so stressed. What would happen if I said screw it all and just left everything here? Trust me, if next week is like this week who knows what will happen.

I am going into work Saturday and Sunday to hopefully get a head as I'm taking vacation from September 19th to 23rd due to moving into my new house. I should be excited, but after this week I'm really not. Plus I still have to get a washer/dryer and fridge.

Oh, I went to the dentist last week due to sore teeth. I've been grinding my teeth at night (due to stress) so have cracked a tooth. Next week I have two appointments to hopefully correct the problem WITHOUT having to have a root canal.

Oh the fun never ends!!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Funny Story... Sort Of ...

On August 16th, I went to get a cell phone. I thought I would try MTS (the local phone company) and they weren’t very helpful and rude so I went to Rogers. Rogers was the same way. I was totally disgusted so finally went off to Telus. They were at least nice, helpful and gave me a good rate due to me being a long-term customer.

So after getting everything out of the way, the guy asked me what kind of number I wanted – personalized or random. I didn't really have any preference so I just said give me a random number. Fine and dandy, I get a phone number – 204-990-6239.

The next day I’m sitting on a conference call and playing with my cell. I then pipe up and say OBEY! Everyone thought I had lost my mind. I had figured out a way for me to remember my number - 990-OBEY.

Ok, I thought it was funny.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Cheesy headshot for work

I look like either a car saleswoman or realtor.... take your pick!

One Month Anniversary

Well today is my one month anniversary since moving to Winnipeg. It has been a very fast paced, frustrating and challenging time.

With mom's help, a car full of clothes and "stuff", we drove across the country to arrive in lovely Winnipeg (much to mom's unhappiness). Thanks to Jacki & Dad who packed the car, it took mom and me about 10 trips up and down the elevator to clean out the car. After cleaning the car out, the apartment was next on my list. Being a clean freak, I had to tidy things up as it was not the most sanitized place.

The first thing mom & I found out was the humidity. The apartment had air conditioning, but if you turned it off you got an awful smell of garbage. So it was either fight with the noisy air conditioner or the stench of refuse. Take your pick.

I wasn't impressed with the furnished apartment I stayed in for 28 days. The security wasn't the greatest - only a little lock on the door. I slept most nights with a chair in front of the door as an added measure. I never did get the cable/internet access I was promised. The place had burnt out light bulbs, leaking faucets and was not in a very secure location. There were a lot of younger adults plus a hooker hotel behind the apartment (sorry mom, I found that out and didn’t tell you!).

Besides the horrible apartment, I actually like Winnipeg. It’s a slower pace thanCalgary and the people are great. I have met a lot of nice people. The first week I was here everyone in the office was nice and helpful (they still are). I went to a local bar the first Saturday and listened one of my co-worker’s friend who played in a band. They play nothing but ‘80’s music and are really good. The bar was actually nice as they have a total ban on smoking in Winnipeg. So I didn’t come home smelling like I smoked 20 packs in one night!

I’ve been to a few cheap ‘beer & wing’ nights at Smitty’s on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

I’ve been to a small town about 1.5 hours away for a corn and apple fest.

So basically I’ve become a social being meeting a lot of really nice people.

My house hunting is another story. I have seen the bad, ugly and undesirable in Winnipeg. Before I moved here I went to 15 homes with the realtor and found nothing. There are a lot of homes for sale, but nothing I would consider livable. Either they had bad basements that have been flooded, cracked basements or foundations that were ready to crumble. Mom was able to view some houses for me, but was unsuccessful.

But after viewing 58 homes, I found a suitable house! I must state that I found the house, not my realtor. I was depressed on Saturday after viewing 8 houses with my realtor and started driving around the neighborhood I thought was good. I also got the real estate news to find open houses. So Saturday night I went through my list and got my map out. I had 15 open houses planned for Sunday. Again I saw the bad. Some houses were nice but way over priced or I knew there would be a big bidding war on, that I didn’t want to deal with.

Two weeks previously I had found a really nice “granny” house. It was only about 793 square feet, but I thought it would be a nice change for me and the girls. I was excited as the hard wood floors were just done, it had nice color on the walls and the back yard was amazing. I then had a home inspection and that changed everything. There was a lot more work needed to the house then I thought. Plus the home inspector found the sewer starting to back up while we were there. I had to walk away from this house.

So with the house I found, I really didn’t get my hopes up. I was thinking that it would have a bad basement or sewer problems – it had neither. The home inspector was amazed and gave the house 9.5 out of 10.

I take possession of my new home on September 19th – just a few days after my birthday! My girls also join me this week! I miss them so much. I am just hoping that the movers do a good job and I have no issues to deal with.

Work is starting to go well. I now have done a few things that show some progress but I’m so busy I don’t know what to do next. I can be proud to say that I threw together 32 new workstations in 3 days and the electrician is just finishing up all the wiring.

Well I hope to keep this up so you all know how I’m doing in the ‘Peg. The weather has been nice, but today it was cold and really felt like fall.

Please post and check back often. I miss you all.