Sunday, October 09, 2005

Leaves, leaves, leaves

I would like to know who put the bug in my ear that living on a street with trees that form a canopy over the street was a good idea! I think I've raked enough leaves to bury my house! It took me 2 hours this afternoon to rake the leaves in the front today.

It was a really nice day today so the girls and I spent most of it outside raking leaves (both front and back yard) and preparing the ole homestead for winter. While I was raking the leaves and I've noticed other people mowing their lawns. Seems to me I need to either find an attachment to my lawn mower to add a bag or get a new lawnmower. We'll see what happens in the spring.

I cleaned a few flower beds (weeds) out, put the LONG downspouts on, and just puttered. Yesterday I changed the lock on my garage to be like my favourite brother's. I need to get him out here soon as I have a girl for him!

I went over to Dana's for Thanksgiving tonight. It was really nice and I had cabbage rolls and pumpkin pie - what more could I have asked for (besides being with my family). Dana and I were talking about Rod and she needs to meet him. I think they'd make a very cute couple - they have so much in common.

I took the girls to an "offleash" park yesterday. Deb, Sheila - you'd laugh. I think it took us about 5 minutes to walk it. One offleash park down, 10 to go. There are only 11 in Winnipeg so I'm hoping to find one where the girls can explore and have fun. Otherwise I think we'll have to find a rich farmer (straight!) who will let us run out in the country some where. What are the chances of that happening?

Well I'm stuffed from dinner, so this will be a short one. I want to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


Anonymous said...

Hey Val! It's Mel - crazy Mel. lol I just got a chance to read your entire 'blog for the first time now. I've been busy busy busy with my training at Rogers Wireless - speaking of which, sorry to hear that they were unhelpful to you. :-(

What was the name of the place that you went to for the dessert?

Anonymous said...

You have to get Snoopy and Cali a rake and they can help you with the leaves. You know just like the comercials for Fido where the dog puts the garbage out in the front. Just think of all the exercize that you are getting now. Next it will be the SNOW so make the best of it

Anonymous said...

Hey Val, just get a leaf blower and blow those leaves into the neighbors yards!! haha Anyways, I sure hope you manage to find a nice off leash park close by. We didn't get to the park last Sunday, it was too cold here. And since George so graciously gave me his nasty cold last week, I just couldn't bring myself to go out. As a result, Winston is suffering from cabin fever! Miss you guys lots!! Love Debbie