Friday, September 09, 2005

Very Long Week

Well last weekend (the long one!) I went back home to see the girls and visit family & friends. Jacki & dad picked me up from the airport early Saturday morning and they brought the girls. Jacki drove up and the girls were sitting in the back seat looking the other way. I jumped into the back seat and they looked at me then looked away as if to say "oh, it's just you". Both looked away and ignored me the drive to mom & dad's. They were kind of standoffish the whole day. Jacki & I went back into town to spend the day together and this must have worked as the girls started giving me some attention! I sure miss those little dogs and can't wait until I get them back.

It was a nice weekend and I got a chance to do a final beagle walk with my best beagle buddies - Deb, Sheila & John. We had a nice walk and then I went to see Sheila & John's new house. It is really nice and I'm sure they'll really enjoy it. I am also jealous that they are taking possession a week earlier than me! :( But I'm happy for them. We then went over to Deb & George's for dinner and a fun get together. I was sad to leave, but had to.

This past week has been horribly stressful. I have been working my butt off expanding the call centre to add another 32 workstations and installing the dialer so we can be more profitable, but since there have been problems in the original call centre, I got flack for that. The projects aren't doing that great and of course they are blaming field - even though the projects were bid wrong! I was actually ready to come on by Wednesday, as I was so stressed. What would happen if I said screw it all and just left everything here? Trust me, if next week is like this week who knows what will happen.

I am going into work Saturday and Sunday to hopefully get a head as I'm taking vacation from September 19th to 23rd due to moving into my new house. I should be excited, but after this week I'm really not. Plus I still have to get a washer/dryer and fridge.

Oh, I went to the dentist last week due to sore teeth. I've been grinding my teeth at night (due to stress) so have cracked a tooth. Next week I have two appointments to hopefully correct the problem WITHOUT having to have a root canal.

Oh the fun never ends!!

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