Sunday, February 07, 2010

It has been 1 week...

I have forgotten how much patience a puppy needs. Plus how much they are full of piss and vinegar!

How can I puppy be such an angel in one moment and a complete terror in another?

Lucy sure has been a journey this past week. Besides upsetting my routine - I haven't worked out nor have I been able to quilt - but I think she is worth it. The little monster. Dad sure loves the little pup.

Paige took a few days to come around and now they are wrestling buddies. Paige tires her out as they wrestle. Paige is still a little reserved with her at other times but I know they'll get along. Just wait until those sharp dagger puppy teeth change.

As for Snoopy - well she won't have anything to do with Lucy. Lucy chases Snoopy around and Snoopy doesn't like it. She hides and tries to get as far away from Lucy as possible. A friend of mine has an older beagle like Snoopy and when her daughter brought over her little pup, she said it took 2 months for the older beagle to want anything to do with her. We'll just have to wait to see what happens. I do have to remember to give Snoopy lots of love, even though she has always been a distant, reserved dog.

Lucy is slowly getting house trained, only a few accidents so far. She has a bad habit of eating her own poo, which I've never had to deal with before. I'm going to give her a few more days as she has had diarrhea (for some reason!) and been eating that. If she stops after getting solid poo again I'll leave it, but if she continues I'm going to go buy a product to make her poo taste nasty. I've heard of it before and the vet recommended it.

Yes she has been to the vet twice now. The first time unofficially - we stopped in to get food for her and he gave her a deworming pill (I think he also gave her some monster pill as she is a terror!). The second trip was official. She has had diarrhea since Wednesday and could thread a needle from 50 paces away. It doesn't seem to slow her down any though. So a $90 visit and some food/pills but her poo is getting more solid.

I am crate training Lucy and she sleeps in it during the day and at night. I have to let her sleep with me on the bed until she falls asleep BEFORE I put her in the crate otherwise she howls to high heaven. This pup has a set of lungs on her. She starts with the basic "I'm pitiful - please get me out of this thing" howl, which then turns into "I'm pissed off - out of here NOW!" howl and finally into "I'm throwing a temper tantrum" howl.

I've been very lucky that Lucy is at home all day with mom & dad. I don't know what I'd do without them. They've had to bear the brunt of Lucy during the day, but I think they enjoy it. At least I hope they do! I feel really guilty for going to the Dominican for a week at the end of the month. I didn't intend this to happen. I had booked my trip in early January and then Lucy came along.

It sure is quiet when Lucy is sleeping. I've been trying to a week now to update my blog and only after she fell asleep in mom's arms have I been able to work on this.

Mom was holding Lucy last night and Lucy wanted to be put down. Mom didn't put her down so she struggled and struggled. Lucy put up a big temper tantrum, whaling and wiggling but mom didn't let in. Lucy finally fell asleep in her arms and then mom & I weres able to go into the quilt room and sew. We put Lucy in a laudry basket and put a cover on it. Lucy slept the whole time, which was nice. I want to try this again today as I have some blocks partially done that need to be finished and posted.

I was doing so well and ahead of the game with my quilt blocks getting done, photos taken and them uploaded & scheduled to be posted. Since Lucy came I've fallen behind again. I would like to get ahead especially since I'm leaving at the end of the month.

We'll see how much Lucy let's me get a routine going again. We do have a routine so far from this past week:

4-5am: Get up, take dogs outside to do their business & then feed them; try to read some emails to clear out my inbox but spend most of my time keeping Lucy occupied and playing. I did used to get up this early BEFORE Lucy came and I would work out on the Wii Fit which I really miss.

5-5:30am: Have a shower and get dressed. Lucy doesn't like it when I go behind that curtain and wimpers/whines until I get out. She then has to lick the water off me to ensure that I've dried completely. As I get dressed, she redecorates the bathroom rugs for me.

5:30-6am: More play with Lucy. I try to tire her out so when I put her in her crate and leave for work, she isn't howling up a storm and waking mom & dad plus the whole neighbourhood.

6:15-6:45am: Wind Lucy down and get her to fall asleep before putting her in the crate.

Now after we get this routine going and she is more reliable doing her business outside, I'd like to work my workout routine back in here somehow. Plus quilting on a daily basis. I used to be able to cut fabric in the evening and sew in the morning while I'm eating breakfast. I guess we'll just have to see what the future brings!

The weather hasn't been the greatest since getting Lucy. I would have liked to take her for a little walk to see how she does but it has been cold this weekend. Dad & I got her a harness on Friday but we haven't been able to test it out.

Here are a few pictures taken last weekend. Dad has more on his camera catching her in the act during the week so I'll have to get a few of those up as well.

Are you talking to me?

Trying to act all innocent.

Bugging dad when he's trying to nap.

Attack dog - poor dad!

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