Friday, March 03, 2006

Momma - I'm coming home.

Well this week has been very eventful. It is my first full week back from holidays and I only lasted 3 days at work before I got sworn at by the President. I came back rested and ready to get things in order when this happened. I also heard from my HR manager that he was a complete asshole and treated her like shit, making her cry and think she wasn't doing her job. Also asking her operations questions when she would not have any clue as to what was going on or how to answer. So with that, I handed in my resignation.

I dropped my letter off on the Senior Vice President's desk early Thursday morning and then emailed a copy to all stakeholders in the organization. I didn't hear anything until about 10 am when the Senior VP called and wanted to talk about it. He knows that I'm in the building with the call centre and sharing an office with two other people - HR manager & new Field manager, so I don't know why he wanted to talk over the phone (stupid). So I told him I would meet him later in the morning - I made him sweat a little first.

So I met with him and the first thing he asked (since I report to him), was it him? What an asshole. I told him not necessarily. I then went into the fact that I do not let any of my staff to be yelled at or sworn at over the phone and I had enough of it myself. I then told him that I still felt like an outsider (have always felt that way) and other various issues that made me come to the conclusion. He actually shook my hand and said good job for quitting.

The only other person I heard from was the Senior VP in Vancouver who had hired me when it was Nordic. He indicated he was very concerned with operations, asked if I was really going and when I told him yes, he asked if I was going to be ok. I was truthful to him as he has been a great ali and friend, stating that I was moving back to Calgary and I didn't know what I was going to do.

Late Thursday, the President called me asking for a meeting as he was coming back in town on Friday. I agreed, but didn't really want to go.

Thursday night the house was put on the market. The realtor I'm using is fantastic and completely crazy, but he is the #1 realtor in all of Manitoba so I'm not worried. The only thing he suggested that I do is tear up the carpets and clean the hardwood floors, so that is what I am going to do. Actually Jacki has started and we just have 3 rooms to take the carpet up and then we can clean the floors and put some oil on - then we are done. He is also getting a guy to come and do a 360 degree shoot of the rooms to put on the web, etc. My house has gone up about $10K since I bought it 7 months ago, so I'm hoping to get a bidding war and make some cash. This will be helpful since I don't have a job after the end of March and am moving back to Calgary with no place to live.

I met with the President today. He is such an ass. He indicated that he was sorry the way he treated me, but his kids are grown up and they have survived him. Nice, real nice. He also indicated that it wasn't anything personal and he said that if I wanted to reconsider I could but would have to let him know by Monday. Ya right - KISS MY ASS.

I think the next 4 weeks are going to drag on and I might become postal by March 31st. Just an observation.

Rod is in town to help Dana paint her house so she can sell it and to help us get ready for the move to Calgary.

I might have to change my blog name to Calgary Gal who was in Winnipeg, got treated like shit and had to come home.... or something to that affect. I'll have to think about it.

A supplier called me today and he has been treated with respected by the President (ya right) so when I told him that I resigned he said he would help me look for a job in Calgary. Here's hoping he can help.

So all my Calgary buddies I need two things - 1. A job and 2. someplace to live. Apparently there are only about 600 homes for sale in Calgary so I might have to rent for a while.

I also think we need to have a HUGE WINNIPEG SUCKS party when I get back to the wonderful city of Calgary. All in favour?

1 comment:

Rider Fan said...

Val, we have lots of room at our house until you find something!!

Sandy told me you were coming home!
