Thursday, March 16, 2006

I'm outta here

Well the day came. I was frustrated with what is going on with their games so I let them have it. I spoke with the senior VP whom I report too, stating my concerns and wanting to let him know that I most likely won't be able to get everything I wanted done before I left. He left me feeling like I just talked to a wall, so I followed up with an email to the President and Chairman.

The Chairman called me later this afternoon and wanted to call me at home as the walls seem to have ears. Guess I spoke my mind too much as the Chairman said what I knew he was going to say. Basically tomorrow is my last day. After I drop my keys off and say goodbye, I'm unemployed.

I have mixed feelings about this as the deal on the house fell through (they couldn't get approval from CHMC), so it is back up on the market. Normally in Winnipeg if the house doesn't sell in a week, people won't want to see it. Now I have something else to worry about - just lovely.

What would happen if I torch the *&*&#$? Could I get the money and then leave? I want out of this goD forsaken town so bad it isn't funny.

I'm sad that I won't get to say goodbye to the people in Vancouver, but I have their emails so will send them a note.

The Chairman did mention that it wasn't my fault and that if I needed a reference he would definitely say nothing but positive things.

I'm kinda depressed as I feel sorry for the good people who I tried to help and helped me turn the field centre around. I'm bummed and don't know what else to say.

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