Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Thelma and Louise

Well I thought I caught up on a little of the lack of sleep from this weekend, but last night didn't help. Let me tell you about the adventure.

Dana, Snoopy, Cali & I left Winnipeg Friday evening around 6 pm. We girls were heading West - to the land of sanity, family and friends. I had thought (actually mom suggested it) that we should send the girls out while the house is being shown so I don't have to worry about them during the showings. So us girls filled Dana's car and headed to Calgary. We were doing good - the roads were clear, we were upbeat and ready to get away from Winnipeg and the hell.

Roads in Manitoba weren't bad. They were actually the best part of the trip. We did get stopped by a cop who says Dana was speeding but she wasn't. He was just being a jerk as he slammed on his breaks and pulled out in front of us before we passed him. Dana wasn't doing anything wrong nor was she going that fast. If I was driving I would have surely gotten a speeding ticket.

So on we go. Gas up in Brandon and heading into lovely Saskatchewan. Ok for those who have driven the prairies know I'm lying. The weather starts to change on the East side of Regina. It is snowing and the roads are getting yucky. Fearless, we push on after a pit stop and let the girls have a pee. The nice gas jockey in Regina told us to be safe and helped with the repair of Dana's broken nail. The only mishap so far on the journey.

We continue on Westward bound and the roads are getting worse. At Moose Jaw, exciting city of the prairies, I ask Dana if she is ok on continuing. I was getting worried as I didn't want to get in an accident and was prepared to stay overnight. She indicated she was ok so we continued.

Then it happened. Important note to all travellers going either west or eastbound between Moose Jaw and Swift Current. Dana really had to go pee. I thought she was going to wet herself so I tried convincing her to pull over and get the job done. She tried and I really have to give kudos to her but she got performance anxiety. She just couldn't do it. Even after I found liquid soap, paper towel, kleenex and sanitizing lotion. She hopped back into the car and we continued on.

I being the valuable co-pilot that I am, looked on our trusty map and saw that a town - Morse - was coming up next. We looked for a gas station - nothing. We looked for a restaurant - nothing so we pulled up to the only motel in town. It was about 3 am in the morning. Dana went in and asked the owner if she could use their bathroom. The jerk said NO. She asked if there was anyplace else in town and he told her to find out for herself. If I had to go, I would have peed on his carpet right then and there.

We continue on, next town - Herbert. Again keen eyes are out trying to locate a gas station, restaurant - anything. We even drove down the main street but found nothing, so we headed back out to the highway. It happened again - we got pulled over by cop #2. He was shocked that we were driving around Herbert but when we asked him if there was a restroom in town, he laughed and said good luck. He then proceeded to say find a dark corner (nice safe police) and do our business there. Dana stressed that she tried that, but to no avail. He suggested that we try this motel in town so we did.

Dana woke the reluctant motel owner and she was able to get a room key to use the bathroom. While she was doing her business, the cop came by and chatted me up. He was lonely - poor guy - and wanted someone to talk with. Then the motel owner saw him, called him over and gave him shit for him suggesting we stop in.


We continued on and stopped off in lovely, friendly Medicine Hat. Here both us girls did our business and we took the girls for a walk as both Dana and I were exhausted and trying to stay awake. I'm amazed Dana drove all the way as I would not have been able to.

The roads were bad, but we finally made it home to mom & dads with no further issues or stops with the police. I dedicate this to Adam one of the Senior VPs who I've worked with in the past two years for causing all this to happen. He was the one who called us Thelma & Louise, thus put the curse on us.

We got to mom & dad's about 9:30 am had some breakfast and went to bed. I didn't sleep well as I was excited to be home and dreading the thought of having to leave at 6 am Sunday. Luckily (or not) the weather wasn't the greatest and we didn't drive home Sunday. Instead we took the first plane to Winnipeg Monday morning and went straight to work. Monday night I went home and went straight to bed.

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