Saturday, March 18, 2006

What a difference a day makes

Ok these "people" who make up these says are getting to me. Thursday I was bummed and unhappy, Friday I was still bummed until I SOLD MY HOUSE! Yahoo! That was a big worry on my shoulders and you all know I don't worry - RIGHT!

Interesting day yesterday. I went in about 10:30ish and the Senior VP was in a meeting with the guy who quit being the Field Manager after a few days. So I went to speak with the controller. We chatted, I handed in my keys and the SVP was finally out of the meeting. I went and saw him, he was kinda of a jerk but I expected that. I went to field gathered my bag and shoes (I'd cleaned my stuff out of there in the beginning of the month). It was really sad saying goodbye to the HR Manager I hired, few staff and the desktop guy who has been really, really helpful and just an amazing guy.

Jacki & I left and I helped her with her stores. Ok I walked behind her shopping while she checked on her vendor lines. I then get a call on my cell, it's the HR Manager (most of you will see what is coming). Guess what, yup their fired her. Said she wasn't a right fit and I left them with no indication that she was going to work there after I left. Bold face lie! I specifically said to the SVP just hours ago that she is awesome and the company would be stupid to lose her. She has done so much in such a little time and helped me out it is truly amazing. I told him that she was going to stick it out as I told her things were going to get better. See what I have had to deal with in the past 8 months!!?!?!?!

I then heard later in the afternoon as she found out from staff who have been calling her, that one of the old pre-merger supervisors is the new field manager. What a mistake this is. First he knows absolutely nothing, is a liar, drinks heavily (was in the crowd of staff who was fired for smoking pot at work, but couldn't substantiate it) and no one respects him. I called it. My email to the President and Chairman had stated that he was saying he was going to be the field manager and that I didn't trust him and no one else did (nor liked him).

That place is going down fast. I feel sorry for the good staff (interviewers and supervisors) who are left and for the Project Directors in Vancouver (as their work will not get done).

My only hope is that the Chairman who talked with me doesn't know what is going on or that he lied to me. Or if he lied to me, he is letting Winnipeg hang themselves so he can pull out of the company.

My money is that Jacki will be walked out Monday (not Sunday because they have no one to work it). Also everyone that the HR Manager and I hired will be gone within two weeks.

Adios assholes!

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