Sunday, February 26, 2006

Mexico - My new home

We'll I'm back from my awesome vacation in Mexico. I didn't want to come back, not because the weather is -30 degrees, but because I hate Winnipeg. Work is shitty, the weather sucks and the city and it's people are getting on my nerves.

For my first trip to Mexico, I can't really complain. The first few days were windy and cold, but other than that it was beautiful. I basically lived in my swim suit. The only complaint I had was my roommate as she was a complete pig. I had a chair and the small table for all my stuff. She had the dresser, closet, bathroom and even the lamps with her shit all over the place. It was horrible. I felt really sorry for the housekeeper. She had a mess to deal with daily.

My flight was long and lucky me (the curse of Winnipeg) I was stuck in the Cancun airport for 4 hours waiting for our luggage. I thought customs was going to be a bitch, but it was the luggage and people traffic. I could not believe all the people and mass confusion. Then the bus ride to Tulum which normally is about an hour was two hours long.

Our first real day in Mexico we went shopping in Playa del Carmen. It was rainy, windy and cold but then the sun came out and it turned really nice. This picture is of the beach by the shopping mall.

I'm kinda sorry I didn't take more pictures, but live and learn. The hotel was nice but huge. We had to take golf carts around to move from complex to complex. I was lucky to catch a picture of the full moon over the ocean on night.There were a lot of iguana's around and we named a few. Here is a picture of Ike. He was the biggest in our area.

Most of my time was spent either on the beach relaxing or in the pool (with the swim up bar). I was able to come home with a very nice tan. I wasn't too impressed with the shopping as things were over priced and you could get the same things in all the various stores. I wasn't able to find anything unique as everything had a "big box" feel to it. I'm sure you could go to the dollar store and get the same items.

One day I went to the Tulum ruins and spent a good 3 hours walking around and looking at the various temples and scenery. The hurricanes from last year had wiped out a lot of the beaches, but Tulum seemed to have been saved.

I tried to capture the sunrise one night by the small pool.

We went snorkeling at Xel-Ha one day and had a blast. There were a lot of big fish and I even was lucky enough to see a stingray. I was goofing around with Rod's friend Kevin when we heard Rod yell "Barracuda". We both thought he was fooling us, when I saw this huge 4 foot long fish heading towards us. It was thick and moving quickly. I panicked and pushed Kevin between the fish and me.

We then followed some paths and found a cliff to jump off. That was a lot of fun. Rod was a little nervous as he is afraid of heights. We then snorkeled down a river back to the ocean. I think that was the best day the whole trip.

My final week I went snorkeling in some cenotes a few miles away. We went down this large hole in the ground about 20 feet down into a small pool. The water was cold but very clear. We then went into another cave and into a larger pool. It was big enough to canoe in. Plus it was very deep. We spent a good hour exploring these two cenotes and then came up and swam in some smaller ones. There were a few catfish in them, but nothing else.

Overall the trip was very relaxing and I'm ready to get back to my life. I missed the girls tremendously and wished they could have come with me.

I'm hoping to have some good news in the near future so everyone keep your fingers crossed and keep checking my blog.

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