Friday, March 28, 2014

Lent - Day 22 (Unplug)

Act: Unplug

40acts is normally about giving out, but today it's back to giving up. Spend the day without any screens. Phones, tablets, laptops and TVs are off. Use today as an opportunity to connect with people face-to-face. Whether it’s over a board game or a walk in the local park, building a fort with your kids, or visiting your grandparents. Unplug and reconnect. No beeps, no buzzes. In the age of the black mirror, we invite you to rediscover Real Life for a day.

This is something Jacki needs to do but to each is their own.

I have already been unplugging more and more. The online world is great but no when your life revolves around it. I can see and get annoyed when you are with people who are constantly on their devices paying no heed to you or respecting you. If you are in such constant demand then take the time to deal with the issue but then turn it off.

I find it HORRIBLY rude to check messages, text or talk on the phone at a table. If you can't take the time out to sit with the people you are with and have a discussion then there is a problem. If you have to take the message, call, etc. excuse yourself from the table and go deal with it. Don't leave people hanging waiting for you to finish.

These are just my thoughts.

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