Monday, March 31, 2014

Lent - Day 23 (Milk, No Sugar)

Act: Milk, No Sugar

Tea. Coffee. Hot Chocolate. Find a friend, neighbor, or co-worker and make them a hot drink. Bonus points if it's someone you don't usually speak to a great deal. 

Just 10 minutes with a work colleague or a neighbor can have a massive impact. You can probably remember a time when you've been cheered up by a warm drink with a friend. 

Today I stopped and had a coffee in the kitchen at work with an old co-worker who was visiting. It was nice to reconnect, discuss old times and the future.

By-the-way.... I'm back on track for the LENT count down! yay me

Friday, March 28, 2014

Lent - Day 22 (Unplug)

Act: Unplug

40acts is normally about giving out, but today it's back to giving up. Spend the day without any screens. Phones, tablets, laptops and TVs are off. Use today as an opportunity to connect with people face-to-face. Whether it’s over a board game or a walk in the local park, building a fort with your kids, or visiting your grandparents. Unplug and reconnect. No beeps, no buzzes. In the age of the black mirror, we invite you to rediscover Real Life for a day.

This is something Jacki needs to do but to each is their own.

I have already been unplugging more and more. The online world is great but no when your life revolves around it. I can see and get annoyed when you are with people who are constantly on their devices paying no heed to you or respecting you. If you are in such constant demand then take the time to deal with the issue but then turn it off.

I find it HORRIBLY rude to check messages, text or talk on the phone at a table. If you can't take the time out to sit with the people you are with and have a discussion then there is a problem. If you have to take the message, call, etc. excuse yourself from the table and go deal with it. Don't leave people hanging waiting for you to finish.

These are just my thoughts.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Lent - Day 21 (Pray)

Act: Pray

Prayer is generous because when we speak to God on another person’s behalf, he hears us. It’s also generous because when you offer to pray for someone, it instantly shows them that you care about their well-being and their circumstances. Offer to pray for someone today – either a friend or, if you’re feeling brave, a stranger. It doesn't need to be elaborate: a simple, thoughtful prayer is a powerful thing.

Well this couldn't have come up at a better time. A friend of mine has a sick beagle that they don't know what is wrong. So I said a prayer for her, the beagle - Brodie - and her family.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Lent - Day 20 (Always Talk to Strangers)

Act: Always Talk to Strangers

Today my challenge is to turn an old adage on its head. Don’t ignore strangers, make a point of talking to them. Just a simple smile, a comment about the weather and a ‘how are you doing today?’ can open up a really interesting conversation.

Well if you know me this is a big challenge for me. Yes I admit it, I'm shy. Still after all these years I still have a hard time striking up conversations with strangers.

BUT I did accomplish this. In Lucy's Agility class on Monday I have been striking up conversations with people. Everyone there is very stand-offish but I had started conversations. I do try to talk to people I don't know more and am consistently working on this.

I consider this task complete.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lent - Day 19 (Don't Hold Back the Wonderful)

Act: Don't Hold back the Wonderful

This act requires me to leave a note of encouragement for someone to find.

Today I printed off a smiley face on the printers at work telling everyone to have a good day.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Lent - Day ?? (What day am I on?)

So I've been following the 40 days of Lent that I found on a website (do Lent generously - 40 acts) and my days seem to be off. I get emails from the website daily regarding what I'm supposed to be doing that particular day but the days are off (or maybe I'm off!).

Anyway by doing some research I found that I technically should not be doing anything on Sundays (if following the true Christian belief).

Technically I'm doing MORE than I should - haha.

I'll keep working on the Acts but this Sunday I will skip the day in hopes of getting me back on track.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Lent - Day 18 (Charity)

Act: Charity

Today I was supposed to now give to Charity. Since I didn't leave the house to go anywhere it really didn't happen today.

BUT I have been giving my change to charity for a while now. Any spare change that I have and any charity found, I have been dropping my coins into the containers. Be it at PetSmart to various organizations at check outs, they have been getting my spare change.

Makes the wallet less bulky as well.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Lent - Day 17 (Ps and Qs)

Act: Ps and Qs

This is an easy one. Politeness is actually quite simple, but often we’re so busy that we forget the basics. Smile at people today. Hold open doors and let others go first. Be kind on the roads, courteous in the gym and show grace to those you think deserve it least.

I believe I've stated earlier on that I have found myself being more courteous and forgiving of people. Letting the crazy drivers who think they own the road to go for it, saying thank you, smiling and being more friendly.

Got this act nailed!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Lent - Day 16 (Bake It, Make It, Take It)

Act: Bake It, Make, It, Take It

Today I'm supposed to bake some goodies and pass them around. Sorry but it didn't happen.

I will do this for the next company event though! So basically I'm putting this one off until a future date.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lent - Day 15 (Stand Up, Stand Out)

Act: Stand Up, Stand Out

What causes make your heart race? Which injustice makes you angry? Today’s the day to be an ambassador for a charity or a cause you love. Your mission is to let someone else know about that charity; whether you do that face-to-face or online is up to you. Stand up for something today, and use your voice for good.

I had mentioned the other day to a group of people while chatting in the cafeteria about the tragedy of Rod's best friend Brian. We  had a nice discussion about it and I even pointed a few people to the website.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lent - Day 14 (SHHH!!!)


Today I'm to leave something anonymous for someone.

The other day a co-worker was looking for an eraser and couldn't find one. Well I did come across one and left it on his desk.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lent - Day 13 (Go Local)

Act: Go Local

I'm supposed to get down to my local shops today. Does Lucy's daycare count as local? I have no shops or items to buy, no place really to go.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lent - Day 12 (No Filter)

Act: No Filter

Today's challenge is to treat people as equals - to assume nothing about their lives but to show them love and generosity and friendship regardless.

Actually this has been easy. Since starting this challenge I've noticed that I've been a little more forgiving - yes even to those drivers on Deerfoot who think they own the road. I've found myself being kinder.

At Agility tonight, there was a new couple that came and instead of having a preconceived thought about them I just concentrated on them as people. They were very nice.

Saint Patrick's Day Dog

Lucy had an event at daycare for Saint Patrick's day. Here she is with her take home cookies and doggie beer.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Lent - Day 11 (One Green Thing)

Act: One Green Thing

Today I'm to do something green. Easy peasey. Jacki & I went grocery shopping and of course we used our re-usable bags.

I recycle all the time and believe my environmental foot print is pretty good.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Lent - Day 10 (Talent Show)

Act: Talent Show

My challenge for today was to tell someone about my secret talent. Well I didn't have to tell anyone, I showed them.

I spent the day quilting. It is very peaceful and relaxing for me.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Lent - Day 9 (Listen, actually)

Act: Listen

Well I have this one in the bag. I'm an awesome listener. I listened to quite a few people today.


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Lent - Day 8 (O.T.T.)

Act: O.T.T.

Alright, time to step it up a notch - we're headed into the deep-end of generous living. Today’s challenge is to get right out of your comfort zone and do something a little bit wild for someone else. For some, this might be a really extravagant treat or gift for someone who needs cheering up. You might offer free hugs in the high street or buy flowers and give them out to everyone you meet. The point of this one is uncomfortable, over the top generosity. Go for it!

Well today was a bust as I didn't get my act for today done. I just didn't have the opportunity to.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lent - Day 7 (Redial)


We think the humble telephone may possibly be the most neglected appliance in our households. Almost ornamental, in fact. Your act today is simple: pick up the phone and reconnect with someone you've not spoken to in a while. It might be a best friend, a distant relative, or just someone you've lost contact with. Give the phone call the time and space it needs - devote your attention to reconnecting with someone today.

Well that was a bust. Called 3 times and got no answer. At least I tried!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Lent - Day 5 (an Attitude for Gratitude)

An attitude for gratitude - today I am to write a thank you note for someone who gets over looked. I am going to give this to the receptionist at work. I'm hoping it will put a smile on her face as I've never met a more grumpy and sour person before. You think that being the "front face" at the office you would find someone bubbly. Not this gal, so I'm hoping it puts a half smile on her face at least.


Welcome Jacki's little monster - BUG! She weighs a whopping 1 lb, 14 ounces.

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Lent - Day 4 (Connect)

Today's act is contact. I made contact today with the lady who sold Jacki her new puppy - Bug. We drove to Red Deer to see this new pup who we brought home.

Also made contact with the vet and vet tech when Lucy went for her vaccines today.

Friday, March 07, 2014

Lent - Day 3 (Tool Up)

Today's act involves my toolbox. Each of us has a toolbox full of items which make us unique. Here is what is in my toolbox:

  • My witty sense of humour. I get this from my dad and am very proud of it. I'm able to come up with quick one liners that seem to break the silence or ease a stressful situation.
  • My creativity. Get this from my mom but she will say that's not true. Sorry mom it is. Like mom, I can come up with some good ideas to situations or projects I'm working on.
  • Stubbornness - get this from BOTH my parents. It comes in handy when you are working on a problem and you can't quite figure it out. I use this a lot at work actually.
  • Being easy going. A lot of people tell me this so I'm tossing it into my box.
  • Spontaneous - I'd say I'm losing this a bit as I'm not as spontaneous as when I was younger.
  • Being a worrier. Ok this might not be one of the shiniest or healthiest tool but it has saved my butt on many occasions, making me really think on decisions or outcomes.
  • Being analytical. I like to think things through and work on all possible outcomes.
  • Organized, in everything.
  • A clean freak - everything nice & tidy!

That's all I can think about for now but I'm sure I have more hidden gems to be placed in my toolbox of life.

Today I used my sense of humour with a group of ladies from work. We went out for lunch & it was nice to get to know new people.

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Lent - Day 2 (Create a Generosity Jar)

For today my challenge is to create a generosity jar. It is to put spare change into a jar and to do good with the money. Funny thing is that I started something like this at the beginning of the year already. I started a 52 week money challenge where each week I put into a jar the amount for the week number. 

For example, today is week 10 so I need to put $10 in the jar. Next week is week 11 so $11 goes into the jar and so on.

I do find it interesting that I really don't spend a lot AND don't have hardly any spare change. If I use anything it is my debit card so physically having money for these types of challenges is hard.

I will continue with this endeavour to see how it goes and will report back on my progress.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Lent - Day 1 (Start a Journal)

So I'm not a religious person but feel the need to change what little I can in this world. Tonight I found this website promoting the 40 days of Lent and promoting generosity. Here is my attempt at the change.

The challenge for today is to start a journal. Instead of a journal I hope to blog everything.

Today I am thankful for my family. I am thankful that I have both my parents, who even though they get under my skin are still somewhat healthy and have the ability to bug and harass us kids. I am thankful that I can hear their voices every day, that I know they love me as much as I love them.

I am thankful that I have an amazing brother and sister who would move heaven and earth if asked.

I am thankful that I have a wonderful dog Lucy. Who puts a smile on my face every day even when she's at grandma's and grandpa's during the week. Who is too smart for her own good and keeps me on my toes just trying to keep up with her.

I am thankful for being Canadian and even though the winter has been horrible this year, glad to live in such a wonderful landscape and country. Thankful I've never had to deal with uprising or war.

I am thankful for my friends who help me when I'm down, laugh with and cry with me when the need arises.