Monday, December 17, 2007

Stories from Mom's Childhood

I was talking with mom on the weekend and she told me two stories I thought I better write down before they got lost.

Story #1
When mom was in school (before grade 9) she went to a one room schoolhouse. It had grades 1-8 in it. She remembers that every Christmas they would always put on a Christmas pageant. They would sing and put on plays for their parents. She said that 2 weeks before Christmas men would come and build a stage, blocking the chalkboards for the teacher. They would sing songs and then Santa came, giving each of them 1 gift and a bag of candy.

She also had a teacher who was always cold and wore a sweater. One day Aunt Judy asked this teacher if she could put on her sweater as she was cold. The teacher told her NO. Mom then said to Judy - "Go put on your sweater". At that point the teacher told mom to leave as she was expelled.

Mom ran all the way home and told Grandma what happened. Grandma drove mom back to school and had words with the teacher. She said that if anyone was cold they could put on their sweaters. Mom was back in her seat and no longer expelled. What a bad seed! :)

Story #2
Mom remembers having a dog named Collie. It was about 1 year old when it came to live with them. A neighbour had bought the dog and came for a visit. The dog latched onto mom and wouldn't leave so the neighbour said "It looks like you got yourself a dog Alice".

I guess it was a very smart dog. When Grandma was gathering the pails to go milk the cows, the dog would go and round up all the cows and bring them home. It learnt this by watching mom and the others go get the cattle when Grandma got the milk pails.

This dog was also a good watchdog. If there was no one on the farm, the dog would wait in the driveway for them to return home. One of the farm pictures has this dog standing in the driveway waiting for them to come home.

Collie lived a long life and when it got older and couldn't walk, Grandma took it to the woods and shot it. She did this one day when mom was at school because the dog was in pain.

This brought tears to mom's eyes when she told me this story. She said it was the best dog ever.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Weird Dream

I had this strange dream this morning and it got me thinking. Cali woke me up at 3:20am to go outside. We came back to bed and I tossed & turned. I did finally go back to sleep and this is where I had my very real and vivid dream.

We - Cali, Snoopy & I - were living in a basement of mom and dad's house. The house wasn't the current one, nor was it a house I've even been in or seen.

Anyways they were having renovations done when somehow the hand railing that was being taken down collapsed the whole house. It was weird as it was in slow motion and the house was falling down - one wall at a time. This did give us time to get out of the house safely though.

I had to go back into the house as I needed to get Cali's insulin and my purse so I could have my wallet. The reno guys helped me downstairs but the door to my room was closed and an eerie glow came from around it. OK here is the weird part. The door opened and you could see 2 graves and a whole bunch of satanic stuff. I didn't want to go in as none of my stuff was there. So I ran out and was climbing out of the hole which used to be the house when one of the workers grabbed me and wanted me to look at and take what he found down there. It was wrapped in his handkerchief. I helped Cali out of the hold and knocked his hand away.

The girls & I ran away trying to find mom & dad but came upon them leaving in a horse trailer and truck. I was told (by whom I don't know) that they found a place to stay and I better get out of the cold as it was going to snow.

It then turned dark real fast and started to snow. So the girls and I walked trying to find a phone to call for help.

Cali was getting disoriented because she is going blink, so I had to find a rope or something to keep the girls safe. They did have their collars on which they normally don't while in the house.

I found a rope but was about to get caught for stealing it so we ran.

I tried to use several people's phones to make a call to John & Sheila but no one would let me. Also I didn't know their phone number off the top of my head.

That is when my alarm went off and my dream ended. It did get me thinking of would I be prepared in an emergency? Would I have everything I needed? What would I need?

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Scary Evening

Tonight I had the scare of my life. Cali went into hypoglycemic shock. It was very frightening and I didn't know what to do. Even though I read the symptoms and knew something was definitely wrong, dealing with it is completely different. I panicked and freaked as I didn't know what to do or how the outcome would be. It didn't help that Jacki was yelling orders when she know what to do and expected me to be able to do and handle it like her. She made me so made I felt like hitting her. I was frantic as I've never had to deal with something like this before - I've never even seen anything like it before.

Cali was drinking a lot of water and then was like she was drunk as she couldn't even sit without falling over. It was truly scary and I was paralyzed with fear.

After getting her blood sugar up by giving her corn syrup, she stared to come around. It was as if nothing happened.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Fires, peeing and childhood memories

I was chatting with dad this evening and he told me a story about his dad as he doesn't remember much about him. He does remember getting a spanking from him for burning down a lumber yard. It wasn't big and it was part of the general store. He doesn't remember much other details of this incident.

The general store was owned by his childhood buddies parents. He remembers the two of them stealing candy from the store and easting it in the woods.

This friend of his also lived above the store. It was a French family. His buddy had his own room and dad remembers his buddy used to stand on his bed and pee on the walls. Nice friends dad!

They used to go swimming and fishing in the river all the time.

Dad has a whole bunch of stories like this that I wish he would write down, but he won't. I will try to capture them as best as I possibly can.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Highs and Lows

What a day of highs and lows. I was on the internet this morning and dad & I got the lottery numbers. We didn't check the ticket. Mom saw the numbers and got excited. She didn't believe the numbers so went to the 'net herself and verified them. We got 5 out of 6 numbers! We were all excited and tried to figure out what we won. Dad said about $10 and I thought about $200. We checked the webpage and saw we won 4.75% of the pot. Here we figured we won $712,500!

Excited we called Jacki. I even made sure she was sitting down. She couldn't believe it and was going to look into it when she went to Brenda's office. We hung up the phone and had breakfast. Making all these wonderful plans was exciting. After breakfast Jacki called back. I went to have a shower and never got to talk to her. When I came up dad said not to hurray as we didn't win the huge amount we thought. Jacki had looked into it further and found out that there were 175 winning tickets that had 5/6 numbers. Our spoils shrank. So instead of winning $712,500 we won about $2,100. Divided by the four of us, that was $500 each. There goes the down payment on my condo!

We were all gloomy after that. Oh well, guess I have to go to work tomorrow now. :(

Saturday, August 25, 2007

GlobalFest Fireworks Finale

I took mom and dad to the fireworks finale at Elliston Park last night. I was worried mom wouldn't be able to go, but she did great. With all the walking we did, we'll see how she fairs tomorrow.

I hope and think they had a good time. The fireworks were OK and I've seen better, but it was their first time. The only complaint was that it was just too short. A half hour does go by fast.

I was impressed by the bus transportation to and from the event. They were quick and efficient. All in all it was a good time despite the little rain we got hit with.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Mom's Surgery

Today was mom's surgery on her legs. I thought they would be home from Canmore around 5pm, so I left work early to have the dogs settled down and to help dad. Well 5pm came and went. I tried calling mom's cell but there was no answer. At around 6pm dad called saying that they weren't releasing mom but all was OK. Of course I worried.

At 7pm mom called and said they were on their way home and should be there in a couple of hours. She sounded groggy.

They finally got home at around 9pm. Mom looked horrible and reminded me so much of Grandma it was freaky. She also was this horrible grey colour. We got her into bed and I fed dad. We were all in bed by 9:30pm. It was a long day for all, but I think dad had it the worst. He had to sit around all day waiting and worrying by himself.

Jacki had called several times throughout the night so I kept her updated. I am very disappointed in my brother who never bothered to call even after I called and left him a message.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My Dad meets the INTERNET!

A funny story..... This evening, as soon as I got in the car, dad said something about wanting me to teach him to use the computer. After all his shows were watched, I took h im into the office and showed him how to use the computer and get onto the internet. He did really wll for a one finger typist. He got notes, asked questions and got excited when he knew how to do something. We got 2 bookmarks in there and found some information he was looking for.

Dad, being the loving goofball he is, even created himself a sticky note with the word GEEK on it. He stuck it onti his shirt.

So dad is now on his way to surfing the internet. Look out world (OK mostly mom!).

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The results are in

Well Cali has diabetes, poor girl. I had to go to the vets to get shown how to give her the shots that she needs. Right now she will need 2 shots per day for the next two weeks. We'll re-evaluate in two weeks time. I'm hoping she will now start to turn around and get back to her old happy-go-lucky self. I miss that Cali girl.

On the plus side Snoopy seems to be her old self again. She had the huge grin on her face today when I came home.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Expensive habit...

Well I had to take Cali to the vet yet again today. She stopped eating her non-allergenic food about 3 days ago and just hasn't been herself. She has been sluggish and just very sad. Since the beginning of the year I've spent over $1000 on medication and treatments. Tonight was only $493.91! She had blood tests taken hoping to rule out Addison's or Cushings disease. Poor little girl.

At least her ears are clearing up and her skin looks better.

We should get the results tomorrow and I'm hoping we can do something so she isn't so sad and listless anymore!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Saturday, March 03, 2007

My new house...

The Movado II - 172 Cranleigh Terrace SE, Calgary

This timeless French Country architecture inspired estate dream home presents 5,015 sq.ft. of unique development on three levels.

A stunning fireplace highlights the great room on the main level, and the gourmet kitchen takes centre stage, featuring commercial grade appliances and one-of-a-kind appointments, including an hourglass island.

Upstairs, the bonus room boasts a turret vaulted ceiling, and a spa-inspired master ensuite features breathtaking views of the Bow River and the Rockies.

The lower level completes the luxury, with a fabulous home theatre and your very own indoor lap pool and jacuzzi, paired with a professional grade fitness gym.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oscar Night Party!

Ah, good times at the Pinkneys - dinner, the Oscars and a show!!!

John had been at work when I got to John & Sheila's and just left to go pick up Jaime & Ryan. He got home and came downstairs. Being John, he whipped down his track pants to get comfortable. He and the rest of us were shocked when all we saw was his nice white underpants! He nonchalantly said "Oh, I usually have shorts on underneath." So he pulls his pants back up and goes to change.

We kept track of the 6 most popular categories and Jaime won the prize at the end of the night - a DVD of "Little Miss Sunshine" (seems fitting).

It was a wonderful night, food was good as always, company was great, Oscars were OK but the pre-show entertainment will go down in history as being the best ever.

Love you John!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Case 20070208 - SOLVED!

Interesting and funny story...

For over a week now, when I go to work I have been noticing footprints in the snow that look like they are trying to look into my window. The footprints seemed to come from the neighbors house, walk up between the cars and garage and step on the lawn just past the garage door. They would then turn around, head down the driveway and be lost in the tracks in the street. It has snowed consistently for a week and after dad shovels the snow, the next morning the footprints were back. I told everyone at work about this and they suggested I call the police.

So from that point onward I've ensured that my bedroom window blinds are closed and I was no longer walking around in my undies downstairs after I got out of the shower

Dad has been reading the Janet Evanovich "Stephanie Plum" series and decided he would play Stephanie. So he got up one morning around 6 am in his pajamas (I'd say he was more like Grandma Mazur!), got a stool and watched out the window in the door. Nothing happened that day.

So early this week dad called the police and he had a hard time getting someone to hear his story. Information was taken and dad thought he'd try another sting. This morning he got up at 5 am, dressed in sweats and went into the garage to stand on the back of the truck to look out the garage window. He came in the house after making an awful racket saying this case was closed.

Apparently the guy who delivers the paper drives up and parks in front of the neighbors house. He delivers the paper to the neighbors, walks in front of our house as the footprints will show, stands on the lawn and then throws the paper to the neighbors house on the other side. The paper lands perfectly on their doorstop. The paper guy is going so fast that he doesn't have time to do anything else.

So I don't have a peeping tom or stocker but will sleep better knowing the my dad the private investigator is on the job!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Dominican Mama

Well we are back in the real world and some of us just can't let the Dominican experience go.

It was nice to come home to the girls and find they are all well. Snoopy does have a lump on her leg that is about the size of a quarter. It wasn't there before we went on holidays so I'll keep an eye on it.

We made it to the Punta Cana airport and just had enough time to get some water and our plane was ready to leave. A long flight home and we almost didn't land because of the bad weather in Calgary. Good thing we made it otherwise we'd be stuck in Edmonton.

The snow and cold is horrible and I miss the buffet and beach. I think I would be swimming about now.

Why do vacations have to end?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Aunt Phyllis & Uncle Ken leave

Aunt Phyllis was to depart around 9:30ish in the morning. Just as some of us were heading to the Buffet for breakfast. So we all sit around and wait for her to leave. It was fun having her here and I'm sure the Casino will miss her presence as well.

Typical Ken style - he checks out of his room and is sitting on the beach until he has to leave. We turn around later and he is gone. No fancy farewell for him - sneaks out like a ninja.

Like any other day after hitting the beach and before having to shower for dinner, we end up in the pool bar for a few beverages.

And to catch up with everyone to see how their day went and what was in store for the evening.

Ah, the life.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Beach Boy

We were sitting on the beach and who comes up the beach, but the guy who grabbed me to take my picture again. Yes he did place my hand on his ass - honest!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Caribbean Hottie!

Aunt Phyllis, Uncle Ken, Mom, Dad & I checked out the Punta Cana side of the resort and I was grabbed by this guy to get my picture taken. The next day I went to the Pueblo and found the photo shop. There we found my picture with my new honey!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Outback Safari Adventure

Today was the first of two excursions we have booked. We are going on the Outback Safari Adventure - a full day of fun and adventure.
We were picked up in an open top truck and were the last to be picked up. Our tour guide - Alex - went over the rules of the tour. We wre read a list of instructions, but the most important was that we had to ensure we kept our hands, limbs and heads inside the vehicle. The other important point was that when kids came running up to the truck, we didn't throw anything out for them as the tour did not want the kids to become beggars whenever they saw their trucks.

So off we went - driving on the narrow, bumpy roads. Kinda reminded me on Winnipeg (except a better climate, better people....). There were holes all over the place. The truck had to swerve many times and I'm amazed that we were able to keep our kidneys intact.

The tour started out with Alex asking Papi for his drivers license. So out comes a bottle of Dominican Rum through the back window and is passed down the truck to Alex. Alex takes orders and starts bar tending. It was funny how he did it. He had two coolers full of pop, water and beer. So he would open a bottle of pop and while standing on the back bumper would pour out half of the pop over his shoulder onto the road as the truck kept going. He would then pour the Rum into the pop bottle and we'd pass the drink to whomever ordered it. All it needed was to be tipped upside down to mix it and away you go! We drove through the countryside and came upon a large lot that looked like it had just been paved. It was black and glistening in the sun. This was actually coffee drying in a field.The tour is very environmental friendly and helps out the local people. They sponsor various families and take turns touring their homes to show their way of life (the families get some money for doing this). Our first stop was at a home and we were able to see their way of life. Everyone paints their houses and the colours have to do with religion. I forget what colours are meant for which saint. The country side is covered with greens, pinks, yellows and blues. Very simple and beautiful but very comfortable as well.Their houses are mainly bedrooms, living areas and dining areas. They cook, clean and have outside washrooms.Like every family, they have banana trees around their houses for food. It takes the trees 9 months to grow and have edible bananas again. Once they flower and all the bananas are off the tree, they cut the tree down. They grow from the root and 9 months later - VOILA - a mature tree with bananas growing again. So back into the truck we go and off to our next stop. We came to a local store where they sold Rum, knickknacks and cigars. Not many people know this but a lot of Cuban cigars are made in the Dominican. We were able to see cigars being made and rolled.

We then headed off to a local farm where they gave us a talk about the coffee, vanilla and chocolate they grew and sold. It was interesting to see things first hand and to try a little bit of everything. We also got to try sugar cane.

We had driven by a few schools as well. The kids only go half days but they all wear uniforms. It was very nice to see kids dressed up all the same and with smiles on their faces going to learn.
It was a nice break but we were off to a local ranch where we would have lunch. We arrived, got off the trucks and were taken on a short walk to see some birds and a small pond. When we got to the cookout, we were greeted by a small local band playing music. There were a lot of tables made out - all covered with table cloths, cutlery and napkins. Lunch was buffet style so we got in line. The food was great and they were cooking everything on a barbeque. It was delicious.

After lunch we had an opportunity to walk around and go through the local shop that you could buy rum, larimar, cigars, etc. In front of this shop there were paintings laying out for our viewing pleasure and we could purchase them if we wanted.

Back into the truck we went and off to a secluded beach. This beach is unspoilt and was beautiful. Of course there were a few vendors out there who setup tables to sell their wares. The waves were big and we had the opportunity to boogy board if we wanted to. All the guides from the various trucks were out in the water as there was a little bit of an undertow so they kept people from going to far.

Our adventure ended back at our resort and we all had a wonderful day. The sites and sounds of the Dominican countryside is something we'll never forget.

Papi (driver) and Alex (tour guide)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Welcome to Punta Cana

Today was our first day in PARADISE! The weather is perfect, the resort is perfect, the location is perfect and the beach is perfect. What more can I say?

We started out the day finding our way around as we came in last night and it was dark. This resort is a lot like the one in Mexico so I don't see us having any problems. We are Premier guests which means we basically can go and do anything, anywhere. The resort is huge as they have shuttle buses to take us to the beach and different pools along the way.
Our first trip to the beach was fun. Mom was excited about going into the ocean, but she needed some help. She got a little scared when her feet didn't touch the bottom, drank a little bit of ocean water when the waves came over but otherwise had a blast.
Today's famous quote by my mother - "Why does the water taste so salty?"

After being on the beach for most of the day, mom decided that we needed to hit all the pool bars on the way back to our rooms. So the first annual Pool Bar Pub Crawl began. With Rod's high school friend - Brian Ludwig - and his girlfriend Karen, we started the long journey back to our rooms. First pool bar was just a taste of what the day was going to be like. Mom, dad, Jacki, Brian, Karen & I had our first drink. The bartenders like to make the drinks heavy with booze and light with mix.

By the time we ended up in our Premier Club pool bar, I was feeling good - along with everyone else. We had fun going to all 4 pool bars, mom flashing people as the towel around her started dropping.... it was a very interesting day. We had to be back at our rooms as we were having our first dinner at one of the restaurants - a BBQ by the beach. Needless to say, we were all tipsy for dinner and by the time we headed back to the main lobby we were ready for bed.