Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Weird Dream

I had this strange dream this morning and it got me thinking. Cali woke me up at 3:20am to go outside. We came back to bed and I tossed & turned. I did finally go back to sleep and this is where I had my very real and vivid dream.

We - Cali, Snoopy & I - were living in a basement of mom and dad's house. The house wasn't the current one, nor was it a house I've even been in or seen.

Anyways they were having renovations done when somehow the hand railing that was being taken down collapsed the whole house. It was weird as it was in slow motion and the house was falling down - one wall at a time. This did give us time to get out of the house safely though.

I had to go back into the house as I needed to get Cali's insulin and my purse so I could have my wallet. The reno guys helped me downstairs but the door to my room was closed and an eerie glow came from around it. OK here is the weird part. The door opened and you could see 2 graves and a whole bunch of satanic stuff. I didn't want to go in as none of my stuff was there. So I ran out and was climbing out of the hole which used to be the house when one of the workers grabbed me and wanted me to look at and take what he found down there. It was wrapped in his handkerchief. I helped Cali out of the hold and knocked his hand away.

The girls & I ran away trying to find mom & dad but came upon them leaving in a horse trailer and truck. I was told (by whom I don't know) that they found a place to stay and I better get out of the cold as it was going to snow.

It then turned dark real fast and started to snow. So the girls and I walked trying to find a phone to call for help.

Cali was getting disoriented because she is going blink, so I had to find a rope or something to keep the girls safe. They did have their collars on which they normally don't while in the house.

I found a rope but was about to get caught for stealing it so we ran.

I tried to use several people's phones to make a call to John & Sheila but no one would let me. Also I didn't know their phone number off the top of my head.

That is when my alarm went off and my dream ended. It did get me thinking of would I be prepared in an emergency? Would I have everything I needed? What would I need?

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