Sunday, October 07, 2007

Scary Evening

Tonight I had the scare of my life. Cali went into hypoglycemic shock. It was very frightening and I didn't know what to do. Even though I read the symptoms and knew something was definitely wrong, dealing with it is completely different. I panicked and freaked as I didn't know what to do or how the outcome would be. It didn't help that Jacki was yelling orders when she know what to do and expected me to be able to do and handle it like her. She made me so made I felt like hitting her. I was frantic as I've never had to deal with something like this before - I've never even seen anything like it before.

Cali was drinking a lot of water and then was like she was drunk as she couldn't even sit without falling over. It was truly scary and I was paralyzed with fear.

After getting her blood sugar up by giving her corn syrup, she stared to come around. It was as if nothing happened.

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