Friday, August 17, 2007

Mom's Surgery

Today was mom's surgery on her legs. I thought they would be home from Canmore around 5pm, so I left work early to have the dogs settled down and to help dad. Well 5pm came and went. I tried calling mom's cell but there was no answer. At around 6pm dad called saying that they weren't releasing mom but all was OK. Of course I worried.

At 7pm mom called and said they were on their way home and should be there in a couple of hours. She sounded groggy.

They finally got home at around 9pm. Mom looked horrible and reminded me so much of Grandma it was freaky. She also was this horrible grey colour. We got her into bed and I fed dad. We were all in bed by 9:30pm. It was a long day for all, but I think dad had it the worst. He had to sit around all day waiting and worrying by himself.

Jacki had called several times throughout the night so I kept her updated. I am very disappointed in my brother who never bothered to call even after I called and left him a message.

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