Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Bored and working from home

This is my name 'VALERIE' written in Snoopy Wingding Font. Ok, yes I am bored but I'm working from home so I guess it isn't so bad. Except that I'm so anal that I'm sitting in front of my work laptop just waiting for something to happen. Oh I did a load of laundry yesterday and folded it while sitting in front of my laptop.

I do get up now and then to let the dogs outside. On the plus side I did have lunch sitting on the deck listening to the fountain and birds enjoying the lovely sun. I see I have to cut the grass tonight. We'll see how my knee holds out. Six weeks of physio and it still hurts and is swollen that I can't bend it.

Yes I'm rambling, sorry to you poor souls who are reading this (if there is anyone out there!).

I'll write my RETARDED ROBIN story probably this evening - you'll get a chuckle out of it. Well back to surfing for unusual stuff.

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