Monday, June 08, 2009

A Birthday Remembrance

It would have been 11 years today that Mojave Desert California Dream "Cali" was born. This is a remembrance of her.

It was back in August 1998 when I was looking for a companion for Snoopy. We were living in the country but moving into Calgary. I had bought my first house and had a very, very long possession date. I had to wait 6 months before I took possession - November 1998. Since Snoopy was used to having company - Lakota, Raven and Sarge - I thought it best if she had a sister of her own to share experiences with in the new house. Before taking possession of the house I thought it best if Snoopy and her new sister got to know each other.

I had looked hard around Calgary for a sibling but could not find anything. I did not want a male dog as they pee on everything and I thought it best to keep with us females. My search expanded to Alberta, then Canada and I still could not find a sibling for Snoopy. The prices were incredible - close to $1,000 - and I didn't want to pay that since I got Snoopy for $250 (without papers).

At the time I was working at PanCanadian when the internet was in its infancy. My job let me to surf the net freely with no consequences (except for the naughty sites). I searched and searched but finally found a dog that needed to be rescued in California. I had no idea what it would take to get this dog but I wanted her. She was a blue ticked beagle like Snoopy - hard to find. I had also been looking at breeders and found Mojave Desert who was in California as well.

I thought I would do a good deed and get the rescue dog and when talking with the Mojave breeder, he offered to go take a look at it and see about getting the dog sent to me. I had contacted the rescue society and told them that Donald from Mojave Desert was coming to take a look at the dog for me. After a lot of time and effort, the society would not let me have the dog as I lived out of the country. I was heartbroken.

Donald knew what I was looking for and so we started talking again. He did have a beagle girl who was ready to go and after a lot of diliberation I said I'd take her. I didn't know if he was just a puppy mill breeder but put my faith in him and glad I did as I was never disappointed with the outcome.

He had indicated that she was a "little tri-colored female who is submissive but beautiful, healthy, playful and very loving". Years later she was still that way and that description fitted her to a "T".

It was August 29th that I had received notice from Donald that Cali had "passed her physical with flying colors". He had indicated that "you are going to really be happy with her. She is one of the cutest beagles you will ever see. Her head is turning a soft, light brown and she has those long floppy ears. She loves to be held, petted and carried around. She will be a great friend for your other beagle." He couldn't have said it any better.

On August 31, 1998 Mom, Ross Van Wert (a friend and co-worker from PanCanadian), Snoopy and I got in the old truck and drove to the airport. Cali was coming in on Canadian Air Cargo that evening around 8:30pm. We had to drive back to the cargo office as that is where she was to be picked up. I was excited and nervous as I didn't know what I was truly getting. It could have been a stuffed dog with 2 missing legs for all I knew.

We went to the cargo office and we were told that we had to go to the hanger where the parcels came in. So we hopped into the truck and drove off to find the hanger. Finally getting to the hanger I was so excited. I had all the paperwork and was ready to pick up my new member of the family. At that point I was told that they could not release the dog as I had to go to customs first. The person indicated that I might not be able to take her home as customs was closing in 20 minutes and sometimes they held the animals for a day. My heart fell to my stomach and I wanted to cry.

So mom quickly drove me back to the airport terminal where I had to find customs and speak with them. Ross stayed behind to check on the pup. At that point I had not even seen Cali. I walked into customs and there was no one around. It looked as if everyone had already gone for the evening and I was heartbroken. Truly ready to cry. An officer saw me and came to see if he could help. I told him my circumstances and was almost in tears. He indicated that it was late and that he doubted that I could have her tonight. Tears started falling, so he went back and spoke with his co-worker. He came back and said that he was wrong and that I just had to pay the customs on her - $44.94 and she was all mine. BUT I had to hurry as the cargo hanger closed in 10 minutes.

Mom had driven around several times until I came out and she said she almost got in trouble for parking so long waiting for me. I told her we had to hurry back and explained what had happened. We got back to the hanger and had all the official paperwork - Cali was officially mine and I could take her home.

She was a groggy little pup as she had a long day. Snoopy sniffed her, wasn't impressed and sat in the back with Ross. Mom thought she was an ugly thing but she was wrong. Cali was always a sweet, cute, loving, playful and cuddly little angel.

Snoopy and Cali became the best of friends, hardly ever fought and played all the time. Cali was a special girl who will always be in my heart forever. Remembering her aroo, her favourite toy - the green frog she carried around by the crotch in her mouth, her excited dance when you came home, to her last breath. I love and miss you my sweet little angel.

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