Friday, June 05, 2009

Update from Parents

Well mom & dad were not abducted by aliens NOR were they sleeping in the airport for 7 days. Today I got an email from mom saying that they were in Ketchikan, Alaska and they were having a good time. Of course she asked if Paige was well first, guess I should let her out of the shed! bahaha (evil laugh). As for being abducted by aliens, she did say they weren't but some of the people on the ship were weird. Will have to get more information on that when they come home.

Their weather has been beautiful so far and apparently there was a storm last night but they both slept through it. Mom asked if I'd rock her to sleep every night.... um... NO! Sorry!

I guess they have been SHOPPING quiet a lot as I was asked to put some money on their Visa card for them. I'm scared! She also indicated that they sent a package home so when I pick up the mail if there is a package it is from them. They were unsure of the amount of room they have left in their luggage. I sure hope they didn't buy Alaska out. Mom indicated she picked up some Alaskan type material so to be prepared to sew when she gets home.

They had seen some humpback whales, dolphins and okras so far. She also mentioned there is a lot of junk in the ocean (that's sad).

I guess the lineups to get back onto the ship is quite a site - I hope they have some pictures.

I called the Alaskan Airlines to confirm they are still booked for the flight home and they should be fine.

I did warn them that there is SNOW in the forecast for this weekend, heavy snow and that I was not joking. Mom said she heard that.

I'll be bringing in all the plants I can tonight as it is supposed to also freeze, so I'm gonna try to save some plants.

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