Saturday, September 17, 2005

2 Days and Counting

Well I'm officially on holidays, but will have to go into the office today and tomorrow. There are some problems with a few projects that I want to see to the end which is Sunday. So I'll be going in and checking on them before Monday. Come Monday though the cellphone doesn't get answered and email won't be checked (ok I'll try to NOT check my work email).

I had another stressful week. As of Friday I have worked 12 days in a row so I was a little sensitive. There seems to be a little "pissing" match between the offices and I'm the one in the middle. I'm getting pulled in both directions so I really, really need this coming week off. I told everyone that I'm completely unavailable. We've had to outsource some projects and the president isn't happy about this. So I had to read the riot act to my Field Manager as he hasn't really been doing his job and he is not really creative. In his position he has to be. Plus right now since I'm so busy trying to get the two office connected and getting our predictive dialer up and running, I haven't had the time to check to see what he is doing. He better shape up, otherwise look out.

I was so overwhelmed on Tuesday that I had to leave the office for a good hour and a half. If I had my keys and purse with me, I honestly can say I would not have gone back. I was that mad and upset. I'm only one person and am pulled in two directions so I had to tell everyone that I can only do one thing at a time. We'll see what happens.

This being Saturday I wanted to sleep in, but I couldn't. I woke up all night long, hoping the day would come so I would be a day closer getting into my house. Huguette and I went to the house on Tuesday to do some measuring. I actually just wanted to go into the house again just so I could remember it. That made me excited as I wasn't really excited until I saw it again.

So I'm trying to figure out how I'm gonna decorate, where the furniture will be, etc., etc. I hope to have everything ready before the movers come on Monday. I went on Thursday and bought my fridge, washer & dryer and got a really good deal. The appliances will be delivered on Tuesday, so I'm gonna have to take mom & dad out for breakfast.

It will be nice to stop living out of a suitcase and have my own space again. Huguette has been wonderful but working and living together is tough. Not that we have fought or anything, but I'd like to have some alone time. I really don't know how I'm gonna repay her for this so will have to think hard.

I have cleaned up all the pictures off my digital camera so I'll be posting pictures of the house when I get in there. I'll take before and after shots if I get a chance. I was also thinking about ripping up the rug in the dining room before the movers come to expose the hardwood floor, but will see if I get a chance to or not.

The girls from work took me out for dinner on my birthday. We went to this restaurant and had seafood and wine. It was really nice. Then we went to a dessert place by Huguette's and I had this wonderful chocolate cake with cream cheese icing - just to die for. I'll have to take ma & pa there when they are in town. Dad will be in heaven.

That's all I have for now, I'm gonna try and relax and not stress out about work but you all know me. I'm a helpless cause.

I miss you all. Please post or email me.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Portage & Main

The famous...... Portage & Main

Favourite Building

I just love these buildings...they are my favourite so far that I can see from the board room (aka fire escape).

Arthur Street Pictures

Picture taken from the fire escape on the 8th floor, looking down on Arthur Street.

Another picture of Arthur Street. I just love the buildings and the roadway.

Working Weekend

This was a very productive weekend. I worked all weekend (YUK!). I know, I know... I can hear you all now. But I was so behind last week due to the installation of the dialer and having to get the new 32 seat centre up and running.

So I spent 5 hours on Saturday testing all the workstations and equipment. Everything is perfect - thank you. I cleaned up the mess (picky me) and hate that I still have a lot of boxed lying around but I have no storage whatsoever. I'm hoping to post some pictures later today. I then drove back to Hughette's condo (I'm staying with her until I get my house next Monday!) and picked her up. We went to look at appliances and I found this wonderful chaise lounge. Yes, I know I tend to wander, but it really is a nice piece of furniture. Guests from out West (hint, hint) will love it. I know what I want, I just need to get into the house to measure for the fridge.

I drove by the house and am now really excited about finally getting into the shack and setting my little world up. Plus getting my girls and having my parents visit!

Today I got a ton of paperwork out of the way and organized for my meetings this coming week. It is going to be busy yet again, due to having 2 dentist appointments and getting things ready for the move

I just took some pictures from the fire escape on the 8th floor here so will post them when I get back to Huguette's as my work laptop sucks and I have troubles transferring photos.

That's all for now.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Very Long Week

Well last weekend (the long one!) I went back home to see the girls and visit family & friends. Jacki & dad picked me up from the airport early Saturday morning and they brought the girls. Jacki drove up and the girls were sitting in the back seat looking the other way. I jumped into the back seat and they looked at me then looked away as if to say "oh, it's just you". Both looked away and ignored me the drive to mom & dad's. They were kind of standoffish the whole day. Jacki & I went back into town to spend the day together and this must have worked as the girls started giving me some attention! I sure miss those little dogs and can't wait until I get them back.

It was a nice weekend and I got a chance to do a final beagle walk with my best beagle buddies - Deb, Sheila & John. We had a nice walk and then I went to see Sheila & John's new house. It is really nice and I'm sure they'll really enjoy it. I am also jealous that they are taking possession a week earlier than me! :( But I'm happy for them. We then went over to Deb & George's for dinner and a fun get together. I was sad to leave, but had to.

This past week has been horribly stressful. I have been working my butt off expanding the call centre to add another 32 workstations and installing the dialer so we can be more profitable, but since there have been problems in the original call centre, I got flack for that. The projects aren't doing that great and of course they are blaming field - even though the projects were bid wrong! I was actually ready to come on by Wednesday, as I was so stressed. What would happen if I said screw it all and just left everything here? Trust me, if next week is like this week who knows what will happen.

I am going into work Saturday and Sunday to hopefully get a head as I'm taking vacation from September 19th to 23rd due to moving into my new house. I should be excited, but after this week I'm really not. Plus I still have to get a washer/dryer and fridge.

Oh, I went to the dentist last week due to sore teeth. I've been grinding my teeth at night (due to stress) so have cracked a tooth. Next week I have two appointments to hopefully correct the problem WITHOUT having to have a root canal.

Oh the fun never ends!!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Funny Story... Sort Of ...

On August 16th, I went to get a cell phone. I thought I would try MTS (the local phone company) and they weren’t very helpful and rude so I went to Rogers. Rogers was the same way. I was totally disgusted so finally went off to Telus. They were at least nice, helpful and gave me a good rate due to me being a long-term customer.

So after getting everything out of the way, the guy asked me what kind of number I wanted – personalized or random. I didn't really have any preference so I just said give me a random number. Fine and dandy, I get a phone number – 204-990-6239.

The next day I’m sitting on a conference call and playing with my cell. I then pipe up and say OBEY! Everyone thought I had lost my mind. I had figured out a way for me to remember my number - 990-OBEY.

Ok, I thought it was funny.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Cheesy headshot for work

I look like either a car saleswoman or realtor.... take your pick!

One Month Anniversary

Well today is my one month anniversary since moving to Winnipeg. It has been a very fast paced, frustrating and challenging time.

With mom's help, a car full of clothes and "stuff", we drove across the country to arrive in lovely Winnipeg (much to mom's unhappiness). Thanks to Jacki & Dad who packed the car, it took mom and me about 10 trips up and down the elevator to clean out the car. After cleaning the car out, the apartment was next on my list. Being a clean freak, I had to tidy things up as it was not the most sanitized place.

The first thing mom & I found out was the humidity. The apartment had air conditioning, but if you turned it off you got an awful smell of garbage. So it was either fight with the noisy air conditioner or the stench of refuse. Take your pick.

I wasn't impressed with the furnished apartment I stayed in for 28 days. The security wasn't the greatest - only a little lock on the door. I slept most nights with a chair in front of the door as an added measure. I never did get the cable/internet access I was promised. The place had burnt out light bulbs, leaking faucets and was not in a very secure location. There were a lot of younger adults plus a hooker hotel behind the apartment (sorry mom, I found that out and didn’t tell you!).

Besides the horrible apartment, I actually like Winnipeg. It’s a slower pace thanCalgary and the people are great. I have met a lot of nice people. The first week I was here everyone in the office was nice and helpful (they still are). I went to a local bar the first Saturday and listened one of my co-worker’s friend who played in a band. They play nothing but ‘80’s music and are really good. The bar was actually nice as they have a total ban on smoking in Winnipeg. So I didn’t come home smelling like I smoked 20 packs in one night!

I’ve been to a few cheap ‘beer & wing’ nights at Smitty’s on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

I’ve been to a small town about 1.5 hours away for a corn and apple fest.

So basically I’ve become a social being meeting a lot of really nice people.

My house hunting is another story. I have seen the bad, ugly and undesirable in Winnipeg. Before I moved here I went to 15 homes with the realtor and found nothing. There are a lot of homes for sale, but nothing I would consider livable. Either they had bad basements that have been flooded, cracked basements or foundations that were ready to crumble. Mom was able to view some houses for me, but was unsuccessful.

But after viewing 58 homes, I found a suitable house! I must state that I found the house, not my realtor. I was depressed on Saturday after viewing 8 houses with my realtor and started driving around the neighborhood I thought was good. I also got the real estate news to find open houses. So Saturday night I went through my list and got my map out. I had 15 open houses planned for Sunday. Again I saw the bad. Some houses were nice but way over priced or I knew there would be a big bidding war on, that I didn’t want to deal with.

Two weeks previously I had found a really nice “granny” house. It was only about 793 square feet, but I thought it would be a nice change for me and the girls. I was excited as the hard wood floors were just done, it had nice color on the walls and the back yard was amazing. I then had a home inspection and that changed everything. There was a lot more work needed to the house then I thought. Plus the home inspector found the sewer starting to back up while we were there. I had to walk away from this house.

So with the house I found, I really didn’t get my hopes up. I was thinking that it would have a bad basement or sewer problems – it had neither. The home inspector was amazed and gave the house 9.5 out of 10.

I take possession of my new home on September 19th – just a few days after my birthday! My girls also join me this week! I miss them so much. I am just hoping that the movers do a good job and I have no issues to deal with.

Work is starting to go well. I now have done a few things that show some progress but I’m so busy I don’t know what to do next. I can be proud to say that I threw together 32 new workstations in 3 days and the electrician is just finishing up all the wiring.

Well I hope to keep this up so you all know how I’m doing in the ‘Peg. The weather has been nice, but today it was cold and really felt like fall.

Please post and check back often. I miss you all.