Saturday, June 15, 2013


Lucy and I had a great day planned but this is how it really ended up.

After dropping Jacki off at work, we decided to drive out to the Ralph Klein Park. Thought we'd take pictures, enjoy mother nature and have a nice walk before the rain started. NO GO - dogs are not allowed in the park.

Being close to the south I then thought, let's head over to Spruce Meadows and we can walk around and take pictures there. Started driving and got stuck in construction traffic AND a triathlon. A normal 15 minute drive took us 45 minutes.

We get to Spruce Meadows and there is an event going on so we could not get in. CRAP! So we went to the off leash park right beside the Meadows. Had a nice little walk and didn't get eaten by too many mosquitoes. Good thing I left the mosquito repellent bracelets in the car!

After our walk we had to go to PetSmart to pick up Pan Fry some crickets. I wasn't going to go back towards 130th through all the traffic so I thought I'd take McLeod to the store closer to home. Well another hour in construction traffic just to get about 2 minutes. Finally made it to PetSmart in time to get rained on. We got the crickets and ducked into Staples to recycle a toner cartridge.

FINALLY got home and said the heck with it, we weren't leaving until we had to pick Jacki up around 9:30. We both had a nice snooze on the couch at least.

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