Friday, June 28, 2013

Chinatown - Flood of 2013

Today I went down with Team Home Depot to Chinatown with Jacki as they were organizing/looking for volunteers. I put on my steel toed boots which I haven't worn since being on a project in the field 2 years ago and brought a jovial attitude. The devastation just can't be explained. Pictures on TV or in the news don't do it justice. You really have to feel for these people, most who have lost it all.  The 15 Team Home Depot gals (all women except a husband who wanted to help to) were brought into a cultural centre to move non-damaged items to safety, bleach mop the floors and pull the water soaked rug, drywall and moldings. Truly a humbling experience but satisfying that we completed the removal of damaged items from at least one building.

After cleaning out one centre we went to help the city workers pick up garbage and put them into large bins that got emptied as soon as we filled them. It was great to see everyone pitching in together to get the sidewalks clean from the items brought out from the buildings.

We ended off the day assisting one gentleman who lost it all. He had been in business for 30 years and we were there when the insurance agent came in and said they would not be getting insurance money as they had no flood insurance. I myself started to cry but the gentleman did not. He said he was so rot with emotion he didn't think he had it in him. After working in a few inches of water to remove damaged items up to the street, it was very heartbreaking. We did what we could but then had to move on.

Again we were treated to lunch, which was so graciously made you can feel the love and gratitude from these people.

I tell you today was a tough day, not the work as it was very strenuous but exhilarating. I am so very thankful that none of my family was affected. And so proud to be a Calgarian right now. 

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