Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Flood Pictures - Cranston Shots

Attempted to get over to mom & dad's today and we were able to get over one of the bridges. It was nice to SEE that they were fine even though they are on high ground and if it flooded that high the whole of downtown would have been under water. After breakfast we all went for a walk along the ridge to get pictures of the flood. Massive devastation and hard to believe or put words to. I'm going to look for my pictures that I have previously taken of the same spot on the river.

Army trucks heading South to High River

Will it happen or won't it happen this year?

Yes the river is this high - almost to the top of the road on the bridge.

MacKenzie Golf Course

The roar of the river is indescribable.

$700K house now lakeside

Pretty little birdy

Moose fishing and canoeing


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