Saturday, June 29, 2013

6 Alarm Fire

Tonight there was a six alarm fire in the other building. It was amazing to see the number of people who did not evacuate the building. You would think when not one, two, or three fire trucks turned up, you might want to exit when six showed up! Geesh.

Luckily they weren't needed but it was a shame that these six trucks had to be called out for nothing, especially when the city is still under a state of emergency.

Trucks 1-4

Truck 4 - outside our balcony

Truck 5

Truck 6

Friday, June 28, 2013

Chinatown - Flood of 2013

Today I went down with Team Home Depot to Chinatown with Jacki as they were organizing/looking for volunteers. I put on my steel toed boots which I haven't worn since being on a project in the field 2 years ago and brought a jovial attitude. The devastation just can't be explained. Pictures on TV or in the news don't do it justice. You really have to feel for these people, most who have lost it all.  The 15 Team Home Depot gals (all women except a husband who wanted to help to) were brought into a cultural centre to move non-damaged items to safety, bleach mop the floors and pull the water soaked rug, drywall and moldings. Truly a humbling experience but satisfying that we completed the removal of damaged items from at least one building.

After cleaning out one centre we went to help the city workers pick up garbage and put them into large bins that got emptied as soon as we filled them. It was great to see everyone pitching in together to get the sidewalks clean from the items brought out from the buildings.

We ended off the day assisting one gentleman who lost it all. He had been in business for 30 years and we were there when the insurance agent came in and said they would not be getting insurance money as they had no flood insurance. I myself started to cry but the gentleman did not. He said he was so rot with emotion he didn't think he had it in him. After working in a few inches of water to remove damaged items up to the street, it was very heartbreaking. We did what we could but then had to move on.

Again we were treated to lunch, which was so graciously made you can feel the love and gratitude from these people.

I tell you today was a tough day, not the work as it was very strenuous but exhilarating. I am so very thankful that none of my family was affected. And so proud to be a Calgarian right now. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Siksika First Nations - Volunteering to help Flood Victims

So tonight, mom, dad & I drive East for about an hour to the Siksika First Nations reserve just outside of Gleichen. It was a nice drive and everything was very green. We got to the complex where we were supposed to go, registered and went into the arena. As you'll see by the pictures there were a lot of donations come in - very nice to see.

Our task this evening was to sort clothes donated by strangers into various sizes for the First Nations people to go and pick out. They need enough close for 1 week for every man, woman & child. Don't forget the toddlers! It was nice to see all the clothes in the arena.

The sad thing to learn is that a lot of the donations came in dirty - blood, general filth, etc. Unfortunately the people who were to receive these donations don't have water so could not was them. This HUGE pile in the middle of the arena has to be sent to Value Village.

Pile of clothes in the garbage bags to be sent elsewhere

So we sorted and sorted and sorted. The arena was hot and muggy, with no air blowing through. But we toughed it out and got a lot done. We were even lucky enough to help a gentleman pick out some clothes and find him a hoodie he desperately needed.

Even Snoopy made an appearance! My Peanuts Collectors Club members would be proud.

I was amazed that we volunteers got feed, so we all headed over to the High School. Very nice school.

Inside the gymnasium, you can see all the food donations.

Deerfoot Sportsplex

Mom took a few pictures of the clouds on our drive back to Calgary.

VIDEO - With Sound: Lucy making the bed.

Found this video while cleaning up my blackberry so thought I'd post it. This was taken in December 2011. There is sound but seeing the video is funnier.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Glenmore Reservoir Flood

Went for a walk with Lucy around the Glenmore Reservoir to see how high the water is. Thankfully it has gone down at least 30 feet and I can't believe how high the water is.

capsized boat

Vintage Truck @ Heritage Park

Choo Choo

Trees & debris floating in the reservoir

dark line is where the water level was at

water slowly coming down

Super Moon

We I didn't think the moon was all that super, but here is the best shot I took at 5:30am local time.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Flood Pictures - LaFarge & Southland Offleash Park

Driving home from mom & dad's here are pictures of the underwater LaFarge cement plant and the Southland Offleash Park - or what used to be these locations.

Power station surrounded by water

There used to be a bike path about 50 feet from the top of road

Riverside Driving Range

Cement trucks lined up on higher ground

Offleash park - have spent HOURS there with Snoopy, Cali & Lucy

bye, bye offleash park

offleash park

My Flood Pictures - Cranston Shots

Attempted to get over to mom & dad's today and we were able to get over one of the bridges. It was nice to SEE that they were fine even though they are on high ground and if it flooded that high the whole of downtown would have been under water. After breakfast we all went for a walk along the ridge to get pictures of the flood. Massive devastation and hard to believe or put words to. I'm going to look for my pictures that I have previously taken of the same spot on the river.

Army trucks heading South to High River

Will it happen or won't it happen this year?

Yes the river is this high - almost to the top of the road on the bridge.

MacKenzie Golf Course

The roar of the river is indescribable.

$700K house now lakeside

Pretty little birdy

Moose fishing and canoeing