Saturday, July 03, 2010

Beaglefest X - Day 3

Beaglefest X Itinerary - Saturday
7-9am - Doubletree Hotel Ballroom
- Set-up (restricted to sellers only)

8:30-10:30am - Doubletree Hotel Vineyard Room
- Hot Buffet Breakfast
- Stained Glass Lottery Draw
- CCI Mini Auction

11-12pm - Doubletree Hotel Ballroom
- Seller's Market (restricted to BFX registered attendees only)
- CCI Silent Auction

12-2pm - Doubletree Hotel Ballroom
- Seller's Market (open to the public)
- CCI Silent Auction

2-5:30pm - FREE TIME

5:30-8:30pm - Doubletree Hotel Vineyard Room
- Banquet Dinner
- CCI Mini Auction
- CCI Silent Auction Winners Announced

8:30-9pm - FREE TIME

9-11pm - Doubletree Hotel
- Special Event

Me with Stan Pawloski and his new sculpture.

This is the vehicle Snoopy gets to drive around in while in town. One of the museum vehicles. How cool is that!?

Can we say SHOPPING!!?!

Tracy & Denise Baker - A great couple who took me under their wings and told me a lot of things about what to expect at my first Beaglefest.

Some of my purchases on the hotel bed.
There was a special guest who gave us a great private concert for about 2 hours! The wonderful - George Winston! He plays a lot of jazz and has mastered a lot of Vince Guaraldi songs.

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