Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lily Festival

So going to work Friday morning on the radio, they had this feature on the Sunflower Maze up near Bowden starting this weekend. This is North of Calgary about 1 hour. The feature indicated that they also were having a Lily Festival with over 30,000 lilies. This sounded like something fun.

I mentioned it to Mom & Dad late Friday night asking if they would be up for it. I thought it would be a nice ride and do something out of the ordinary. The event runs from 11-5pm on Saturday. First thing mom asks is what time does she have to get up. I say 8 am and she is fine with that. Nothing more is said.

This morning the dogs had me up early and I heard dad get up. So I goofed around a bit and then headed upstairs. Here mom was up and it was just after 8am. I asked if they wanted to go and mom said it was up to me. I said yes I'd like to go so we planned on leaving around 10.

We left at 10:30, stopped at the bank and were on the road at around 10:45. It was a nice ride and the countryside was nice and green (ok yellow too with canola). I believe we got to the location around noonish.

We went into the place and while mom went to the washroom, dad & I checked out their gift shop. We found out what we had to do for the U-pick of lilies. They had a variety of vases for different prices. They ranged from $15-$50. So you bought a vase and then went into the field and stuffed it with as many lilies as would fit.

We were in the field and greenhouses for about 1 hour. Mom & I had each bought a vase and started stuffing. Poor dad was carrying mom's vase around. It was a lot of fun and the different lilies was a nice sight. We went and gave the cutters back, they gave us more water for our vases and wrapped up the flowers for the drive home.

It was a beautiful day for a nice drive to the countryside and pick flowers.

My Bouquet

Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer storm

Just a little summer storm tonight. Lasted less than 5 minutes but a lot of hail and flooding in the street. Thank goodness we are on high ground.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Beaglefest X - Day 4

Unfortunately my time in Santa Rosa has come to an end and I have to leave. It has been a wonderful adventure and I am so glad I came. I now know what to expect and what to do for next time.

There were still a few things to do today but I have to leave for the airport as my flight leaves at 10:45am. This makes me sad as I'll only get to say goodbye to a few early birds.

Here are the last pictures from the Santa Rosa airport. My flight was 20 minutes late as the plane coming from Los Angeles had mechanical problems. I was able to catch my connection in Seattle and made it home just about 5 minutes late.

I was lucky that I went thru customs with no problems and my bag was the 6th off the belt. It was a great adventure and I really had an awesome time.

Beaglefest X Itinerary - Sunday
9-11:30am - Doubletree Hotel, Vineyard Room
- Farewell Banquet
- Hot Buffet Breakfast
- CCI Presentation
- Guest Speakers

11:30-12:30pm - Doubletree Hotel
- Pack & Ship

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Beaglefest X - Day 3

Beaglefest X Itinerary - Saturday
7-9am - Doubletree Hotel Ballroom
- Set-up (restricted to sellers only)

8:30-10:30am - Doubletree Hotel Vineyard Room
- Hot Buffet Breakfast
- Stained Glass Lottery Draw
- CCI Mini Auction

11-12pm - Doubletree Hotel Ballroom
- Seller's Market (restricted to BFX registered attendees only)
- CCI Silent Auction

12-2pm - Doubletree Hotel Ballroom
- Seller's Market (open to the public)
- CCI Silent Auction

2-5:30pm - FREE TIME

5:30-8:30pm - Doubletree Hotel Vineyard Room
- Banquet Dinner
- CCI Mini Auction
- CCI Silent Auction Winners Announced

8:30-9pm - FREE TIME

9-11pm - Doubletree Hotel
- Special Event

Me with Stan Pawloski and his new sculpture.

This is the vehicle Snoopy gets to drive around in while in town. One of the museum vehicles. How cool is that!?

Can we say SHOPPING!!?!

Tracy & Denise Baker - A great couple who took me under their wings and told me a lot of things about what to expect at my first Beaglefest.

Some of my purchases on the hotel bed.
There was a special guest who gave us a great private concert for about 2 hours! The wonderful - George Winston! He plays a lot of jazz and has mastered a lot of Vince Guaraldi songs.