Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Adventure

So Dad & I took the dogs for a walk along the ridge on Father's day. We left the house around 9am and started walking on the pathway. It was a nice warm, sunny day. There were a lot of people around but enjoyable all the same.

The pathway we took follows the top of the ridge just by mom & dad's house. On the one side you see all the homes with their fancy yards and newly constructed houses. Some of these homes are huge with magnificant back yards.

Along the other side is a ridge down to the river. Parts are gently sloping with open fields and trees and other parts are a sheer drop off. The view is very beautiful - with the river, golf course across the river and the mountains as a back drop.

We walked along the ridge pathway to the very end. Basically a dead end until the newer construction is completed. Normally when we head home we walk back along the main street in the neighborhood. This time we decided to take the ridge back.

As we were rounding near the end, we came upon this young buck just eating grass along the top of the ridge right beside the pathway. We stopped to enjoy the view. A jogger came by and passed us and at the time the buck looked as if it was going to charge the jogger. Thank goodness it didn't. Instead the buck came closer to us. At that time Lucy saw it was coming close and started to let out an AROO and back as if to say stay away. Lucy isn't afraid of much.

The buck looked at us and then just walked away. It wasn't afraid, skittish or anything. Just turned away and went on his merry way. I thought this was very unusual as this was at about 10:30am and I thought it was late for him to be around such a busy place.

So I got to spend a precious encounter with my Dad. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Happy Father's Day papa!

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