Wednesday, June 23, 2010

50 lb mark

Well I finally did it.... I have hit the 50 lbs weight lost. I have been struggling (more mental than anything) in reaching this point in my life. Don't get me wrong, contrary to what others think I have been losing weight and not plateauing. It hasn't been large amounts, but I'll take losing 0.6, 0.2, 0.8 lbs a week over gaining.

I have had this mental block for 2 months now. I started out great, losing 2-3 lbs a week. Then I missed my first goal at the end of April. I was off by 4.4 lbs. That's not a big deal really but at the time it seemed so to me. It didn't help that the week before my goal my boss got let go and I assumed half his responsibilities PLUS going to school 2 times a night! The past 2 months has been topsy turvey and stressful. But I made it. I was able to consistently lose the weight and not gain anything back. If I lost my focus during this time in my life I don't think I would be as successful as I feel today.

So today is a historical day for me... I have officially lost 51.4 lbs as of today.

I still have more weight to lose but I feel a 100% better than before. I'm sleeping better (when the dogs let me!), have more energy and now fitting into clothes with more options than before. YAY me!!

My journey is still a work in progress but I will never be big again. This change in lifestyle is easy to follow - no sugar & carbs - and when I hit my goal weight, it will be easy to maintain.

So to all you neigh sayers out there, all I can say is PLLLLTTTT.

I will succeed and you'll have to eat your words.

If you can't be supportive, I don't want to hear it. You can talk behind my back all you want. I will succeed!

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