Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy 12th Birthday Snoopy!

Today is Snoopy's 12th birthday. I can't believe I've had her for 12 years now. It just seems like yesterday that mom & I were driving up to Crossfield to look at beagle puppies, not really expecting to bring one home. She took me by storm my little monster. The only puppy who came and sat at my feet as if to introduce herself and then run off to play with her siblings. Then after rough housing, she came back & sat at my feet looking up at me. She definitely picked me that day.

We have been through a lot together the two of us. From multiple moves, Cali's health issues and growing old together. She is still as independent as always, stubborn and loving. She is a unique dog.
She was a great companion to many when I managed two call centres. She and Cali were great riding the elevator, checking from crumbs in the kitchen and greeting all staff when they were working. If Snoopy could have 1 job, it would have to be a Walmart greeter as she loves people.

Coincidentally my picture from Las Vegas showed up today. So I had to get a picture of my two favourite Snoopys!

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