Wednesday, September 30, 2009

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Wow, what an event. The Dalai Lama is the most profound speaker I’ve ever had the opportunity to listen to. He had such calmness about him and I had such a relaxed, peaceful feeling after the event.

Jacki texted me around 9:30 saying she was heading home to get ready for the event. I had taken a ½ day vacation but couldn’t leave that early. I informed her that I would let her know when I was on my way to pick her up.

After talking with my boss, I let Jacki know that I was on my way to pick her up. This was around 11 am. I met her at Starbucks (seems that we hit Starbucks before we do anything!), picked up a coffee and drove down to the grounds. I’m saying we got to the grounds at 11:15 and I am glad we did.

Walking up to the Saddledome, we saw a huge line up to get into the building. Also there were tents around and a lot of security people and volunteers. One volunteer stopped us to tell us that we could not take our drinks inside and asked if we had any cameras. Cameras were not allowed into the event. I wished I would have known that beforehand as we had to check our cameras. I hoped we would get them back. They also checked my purse as it had to be a certain size to be let in otherwise you had to check that as well. I was safe.

So cameras checked we got into the long line-up. The doors didn’t open until 11:30 and we chatted with a couple of ladies in front of us who had come in from Cochrane. We waited what seemed to be a long time and the line was moving horribly slow. Not until we got just to the doors did we see what the hold up was. Every person was being scanned with the security wands and purses/bags searched.

Finally we made it thru security, had our tickets scanned and were in the building! There were table’s setup around the concourse where you could purchase T-shirts and bags. Various tables had Tibetan items you could purchase as well – it depended on the vendor. Jacki bought me a nice Yak blanket and herself a shawl. The vendor kept telling everyone “Wash cold water, little soap and dry 5 minutes”.

With items in hand we walked the concourse. There were a few nice items and Jacki bought a couple of T-shirts. While walking around the concourse I saw a monk so I walked right by him and accidently (intentionally) bumped into him (so now I’m really blessed!). Of course I said excuse me. We weren’t hungry but went and stood in line to get to the washroom. Lucky we did this as again the lines were starting to get busy!

So bladders emptied, items in hand we found our seats. We were on the lower bowl right beside the stage. We weren’t sure where he was going to give his speech as the stage was full of chairs/stands for an orchestra. There was a little raised stage at the back and we were hoping that is where he would be.

On the back of each of the seats in the Saddledome were white scarves. The white scarves (or kata) are a traditional Tibetan greeting that symbolizes purity of intention.

An orchestra came out at 1pm and played for about ½ an hour. Following that, Mark Tewksbury came out and was the Emcee for the event. He along with Sandra Oh (from Grey’s Anatomy) did a good job. There were a few performances – school children putting on a mini-play and light show, Tibetan singers/dancers and finally a 200 person choir.

Once the choir completed, the lucky kids got to sit on the stage. The UofC made a presentation to give the Dalai Lama an honorary Doctorate in Law. Then the Dalai Lama came out. The whole crowd stood and gave him a standing ovation. Of course at that time everyone was in their seats and the place was packed. All you could see was a sea of white scarves.

The UofC presentation over, the Dalai Lama started thanking them for the honorary degree and said that it is amazing he got that as he was the laziest student there ever was. Unbeknownst to him everyone in the crowd was still standing and he talked for a good 5 minutes before one of his entourage came and whispered that we were still standing. At that point he told everyone to sit down.

He spoke for a good hour talking about peace, compassion (how everyone is born with this and seems to lose it along the way), science and the youth. He was very awe inspiring to listen to. At the end he asked for questions and Mark Tewksbury came out with a list of them. Of course he answered them with dignity.

Leaving the Saddledome there was such a feeling of calm and peacefulness. He indicated he had no magic powers, but his presence was magical. It was a once-in-a-lifetime event and I am sure glad I went. If everyone in the world could be 1/16th as compassionate as him I’m sure we’d all be in a better place. I’m just hoping the youth who attended got his message and will make the next generation a generation of Peace and not death.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Black Ants

I had this very strange dream last night. I was somewhere in the jungle and then in the desert after getting off a sailboat and submarine. All I can really remember is having these huge black ants crawling all over me and having a hard time trying to get them off. You really had to knock them off with force and then step on them as they would start crawling all over you again. The ant looked exactly like the following picture and was about 3 inches long.

It was weird and I woke up kicking. Poor Snoopy, she has to deal with my freaky dreams.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Quilting and Wrestling

Well I would never have thought that quilting and wrestling would be such a match but it seems so today. Mom & I went to the Creative Stitches craft show today. I spent more money than I intended but it was a good show. I wasn't really going to get anything special, maybe some reproduction 1930s material to add to my stash. But I bought 48 fat quarters of 1800 type material and the Jane Stickle quilt CD.

I first saw the Jane Stickle quilt when I took some quilts in to be long arm quilted. The lady had a framed poster of this quilt and I immediately fell in love with it. She showed me a few pieces she was working on but I never thought much of it again. Mom just recently got a few quilts back from her and I went with her to pick them up. This time I took a picture of the quilt and was going to do some research on it when I had time at work.

This quilt was made by a lady named Jane Stickle in the 1800s. She finished this quilt that is currently in a museum in 1863. It has become a mecca for quilters and very popular. There are 225 blocks and over 5000 pieces in this quilt.

This is what the original quilt looks like and I'm hoping whenever I get my quilt done it will be similar:

I am also going to blog about the quilt as it is a long journey and something many people have done. It won't be for a while as I have a few other projects I want to get out of the way first but stay tuned.

So what does quilting have to do with wrestling you ask? Well tonight I went to wrestling. It is the old style wrestling matches like the Stampede wrestling when I was growing up. Growing up I had two substitute teachers who eventually became wrestling gods - Brett & Owen Hart. It is a lot of laughs for only $20.

Tonight standing in line waiting to get in we all see the wrestlers leave and go to another part of the building. We are all wondering what is going on as the ring it all setup and are confused. I saw my friend from Junior High who works with the wrestling association and he told me that the room the wrestlers normally use was already taken up..... by a QUILTING BEE! I thought that was funny!

The events tonight were good with a few new characters and a mixed match (man & woman team). The crowd was strange tonight as they were not paying attention half the time and the wrestlers couldn't get them going. But all in all it was a fun evening.

I took some pictures to post. My camera is slowly dying and it needs to be replaced but I was able to capture a few pics.

This "BUTT" shot was at the end of one match. I don't think the wrestler realized that half his cheek was showing.

This is Ravenous Randy.... he was supposed to have made it to the big league but something happened and he is back. He is a tremendously gifted athlete and a crowd favourite. It was nice to seem him back tonight.

Finally we have "M" who is a bad guy. Looks like he has his Halloween costume already!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

September is Almost Gone

Well this month has been a whirlwind of activity, starting the month off with the closing of the WorldSkills competition project. Working the 1 day down at the grounds was a lot of fun. The project completed with a lot of success. This was my first major project of any substance. Needless to say we were able to bill this out at over $100K! Too bad I don’t get a commission for running it successfully.

Unfortunately because I worked September 5th, I did not get to enjoy the LONG weekend. Monday was nice to have off though. John & Sheila came over, we made perogies and we watched the Stampeders game. We had a nice meal and day.

I did go to Sheila’s on Friday September 11th and we girls had pizza and watched the Stampeders game. John was out of town but luckily he made it in time to watch the game with us. His business is starting to take off and I am so excited for them both. It will be interesting in a couple of years to say “I knew John when he was first starting out!”….. That is when he is a multi-millionaire, which I know IS going to happen.

Sheila & John had a birthday dinner and a movie on Saturday for me. Sheila cooked another great meal with corn pasta. It was really good. We then went and saw Inglorious Basterds which I loved. It was kinda gory but I really enjoyed it. Quentin Taratino is one of my favourite movie makers.

I did take my birthday off – September 14th – but really didn’t do anything special. It was a hard day for me. That day a year ago was the first day that Cali started to go downhill. That was the day that she fell over when I took her outside to do her business. I don’t think my birthday will be special for me anymore, just a very sad reminder.

I had cashed in some of my air miles points and got 2 tickets to the Flames pre-season game. I took Dad (of course!) and I think he had a good time. The unfortunate part was that we were in the nose bleed section – 5 rows from the TOP of the Saddledome.

On Thursday I was lucky to get 2 prime tickets to the Flames game. Again this was a pre-season game but it was also the game where Theoren Fleury made his debut back with the NHL. He didn’t play the greatest during the regular game, but got the winning goal in the shoot out. The crowd loved him and kept cheering for him. Dad and I sat right on the centre line on the first balcony. The seats were AWESOME – they should be for $295 each! Thank goodness I got them for free.

Last Saturday was the Corporate Challenge Volleyball Tournament. This year we made it into the challenge and since I love volleyball I joined up for the company’s team. There were only 2 girls – myself and another – so there were no substitutions. We played two sets only. We lost the first set and won the second. The team we beat had to win over the team we lost to for us to go on. That didn’t happen so I was home early. It was a lot of fun and we are looking at joining a league to play in the winter.

I started to go to Yoga at work Tuesdays. It is during the lunch hour and has been really relaxing so far. We go until the middle of November so I should be very flexible by then.

This Saturday Mom and I are going to the Creative Stitches event down at the Stampede grounds. There should be a lot of quilting supplies and material to be bought! I also am going to wrestling Saturday night so I’m gonna be tired Sunday.

Next Wednesday, Jacki & I are going to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Saddledome. I am very excited to see and hear him speak. It will be a once in a lifetime experience.

In October I’m organizing a trip to a local corn maze and we’re also gonna be picking pumpkins!

Friday, September 04, 2009

Big Toe Dream

Ok here is another classic weird Valerie dream. Only I can have such vivid dreams. This was a short dream so this will be a short post. Plus I have to get up early and work tomorrow morning (ug! a Saturday on a long weekend!).

I had stubbed my toe the other day on my bed and it has been a little sore. Last night I a dream that my toe started to swell. It was very uncomfortable and I was lying down but couldn't get to relax or comfortable. I did wake up a few times in a fitful sleep trying to get comfortable. The dream goes on and the toe starts to get bigger and bigger when it finally is the size of a large grapefruit. It was so huge and I couldn't get comfortable. I woke with a start and had to turn on the lights to see if my toe indeed was huge but it wasn't. It still took me what seemed like forever to get back to sleep as I couldn't get comfortable.

I woke this morning with a normal size toe and a beagle sleeping with her head on the pillow snoring beside me. What more can a person ask for!

Nothing new going on here lately so nothing really to write about. Once this WorldSkills is complete I'll be able to have some adventures and stories to write about.