Friday, October 14, 2005

Quilt Show in Winnipeg

Well for a short week, it sure was L-O-N-G. Work was busy, oh there is a shock. Things are starting to go ok I guess.

Went to Wing night on Tuesday and everyone was kinda tired. It was a weird day and it seemed to follow us in the evening. We didn't stay long but tried to have a good time.

Excitement for the week - another dentist appointment at 7 am today! Woo hoo... the life I live. There was less freezing this time, but I'm more sore this time. And my face is still swollen a bit. I've taken so much Advil today, ya think I was a junkie. I tried having mushroom soup for lunch, but couldn't get past the mushrooms - they were too big! I hope this swelling an pain goes away soon. I'm tired of having a sore jaw.

This evening Dana and I went to a quilt show. I took some pictures for my mom (hi mom!) of quilts I thought were nice and/or different.

I've convinced my baby brother to come and see me. Ok really to meet Dana, but he fell for it anyways. So he's coming to see me the last weekend in October. I can't wait.

Well I'm tired, in pain and have a sore jaw, so that's all I have for now. Take care everyone!

PS. Mel, the dessert place we went to was JUST DESSERTS. We're gonna hit BAKED EXPECTATIONS this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The quilt show looks nice. Maybe I'll try to make it next year. Looks like your brother is as anxious to go to wpg as you ae to see hime. Thinks me that he misses you too. If you think that I will make anything like those you took pictures of...forget it. Thanks anyways. Hope the tooth feels better soon or else go back to the dentist.