Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2014 Flu - Part II

I was going to call this post "Past the toilet paper please" but I thought that would give away my subject today. Ooopps, just did.

So last Thursday evening at exactly 8:15pm (yes I know the exact time) I started to not feel well and went to bed early. By 9pm I was frozen solid and was barely able to get out of bed to put all the quilts I own onto my bed, put my slippers on my feet and my housecoat over my pajamas. Crawling back into bed I attempted to get warm. I thought my feet were going to fall off as I could not feel them for they were that cold.

I shivered and froze for quite a while but then had to get up to go to the bathroom. I must have had such a high fever as when I pee'd it burned as my urine was so hot. Crawled back into bed and tried to get warm.

I was trying to fall asleep in hopes of the fever breaking but this time I can feel my internal organs pulsate. Yes I said pulsate. I've always knew when my spleen was enlarged due to having mono oh so many years ago. But this time I could feel my kidneys, liver, spleen, even lungs expand.

Thinking I was in a dream state, I crawled out of bed again to go to the bathroom. Urine still boiling hot and my stomach was extended so it wasn't a dream. Dragged my sorry butt back into bed and now my heart starts to race. I mean really race. I thought I was either having a heart attack or it was about to explode out of my chest. Then I passed out.

2am rolls around and I'm still frozen solid but worried I won't get up in time for work, so crawl out to my work laptop (luckily I brought it home with me) and sent an email saying I wouldn't be in.

Crawled back to bed and passed out.

Jacki wakes me at 8am as she slept in and saw my door closed. Checked up on me and I fell back asleep again.

I don't wake again until 12:30pm when I hear my phone ring. It's mom checking up on me and giving me what for as I'm not drinking enough. Have a "somewhat" of a conversation and pass out sleeping again.

I felt crappy all weekend, tired, sluggish, dizzy and an upset tummy...with a slight fever.

Went to work Monday & Tuesday, feeling run down, still a little bit of a tummy ache but ok.

2am Wednesday morning rolls around (what's up with 2am!?!) and I have acid reflux something bad. I wake up take some pills and go to the washroom. Attempted to sleep but really tossed until 3:38am. Felt the old tummy a rumbling so got up again and this time Mr. Montezuma was a knocking.

Flushed the toilet 3 times as I'm sure it was about to overflow each time.

Went back to bed and was able to sleep for a bit before he came a knocking again.

Again I'm lucky as I brought my work laptop home and this time am able to work from home. I need to be close to the bathroom.

I've been drinking lots (SEE MOM I DO LISTEN!) and am attempting to keep some dry toast down to settle the stomach. Toast feels as if it is sitting just at the bottom of my throat and slowly trying to make its way down to my stomach.

I have a few conference calls I need to get on, some work due today but am going to squeeze some naps in between in hopes of getting rid of this flu. I don't want a Part III.

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