Friday, March 22, 2013

Evening walk

I left work early today and went to get the car. I dropped off the toner at Staples then went to PetSmart to get some dog food and to look for a dog puzzle (puzzle is for Lucy, not me!). Next I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond to see if they had any dog puzzles but they didn't. I was able to order the one I wanted with them though. Hopefully it will be here in a reasonable time. We'll then take pictures and see how smart Lucy really is.

Started driving to mom & dad's to pick Lucy up and saw there was a traffic jam getting onto Deerfoot so I went through Riverbend and thought I'd stop at PetPlanet. Nope no dog puzzle there either. One last try at Petland but again no luck on the one I wanted. They had one but Lucy is too smart and would have it figured out in no time. Just like her ball she currently has.

Picked up the mutt from the Parental Units and started home. I thought I'd hit Southland park to let Lucy run, but driving down Deerfoot there was a backup of traffic, so I cut through Riverbend again. Instead we went over to Beaver Dam Flats where we got the following pictures. Lucy got dirty but then we went to PetSmart to get her nails trimmed and the nice dog groomer cleaned her up a bit for me. Lucy is getting a bath this weekend, I was hoping to hold off until Sunday and I guess so far so good.

Here are some pictures taken during our walk.

Nice evening and skyline 

 Funny trees

 Graffiti under the CP Rail bridge

 Covered picnic area

 Wasp nest

 Tree roots coming out of the bank

 Nice tree with beautiful blue sky

Dirty dog dancing on the tabletop

Moon up over the hilltop

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