Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring has sprung!

Yes spring is here. A dandelion coming up through the frozen ground this Easter Sunday.

Grandma Jenkins

My favourite picture of Grandma Jenkins. Not sure when this was taken but it sure shows her personality. She was such an interesting woman. Too bad I didn't take more interest when she was alive.

First Birdie of the year...

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Artist: Phyllis Lauzon

Thought I'd pay homage to my late, great Aunt Phyllis and the wonderful artwork she painted during her lifetime. She was very talented and we miss her dearly.

On a fishing trip in either Northern Ontario or Quebec, dad took this picture. Later that picture was given to Aunt Phyllis to recreate as a painting and she did a fantastic job.

Turtle Mountain in the Rockies

Beautiful mountains



Farming History

I've been meaning to post pictures of the farm mom grew up on and finally remembered to get these pictures.

Old homestead

New homestead - what a difference

And this picture is from the acreage mom and dad lived on for almost 20 years. A lot of changes were made.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Staying over at mom & dad's this long Easter Weekend and someone was happy to have me with her. Especially during bedtime.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

For Me?!?!?!

Flowers in the lobby of the building. They change them every week.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Night Shots at Heritage Park

I tried to get a picture of the comet Pan-Starrs this evening but was not successful. I was successful though in finding a great spot for taking night shots. I can't wait until my Night Photography class next week! Once I have that under my belt I'll be at my new favourite spot - Heritage Park. I found a great little hill where I can look west and see the stars when the sun finally sets.

Here are my pictures taken tonight at Heritage Park. I used both my camera's - Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XS and my Panasonic DMC-ZS3 pocket camera. To be honest, so far I like the pictures my little pocket digital camera takes. You be the judge.

Panasonic DMC-ZD3

Panasonic DMC-ZD3

Panasonic DMC-ZD3

Panasonic DMC-ZD3


Panasonic DMC-ZD3

Panasonic DMC-ZD3


Monday, March 25, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013


No big adventures today, but found this interesting subject for my picture of the day.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tom Campbell's Hill

Dropped Jacki off at work and took Lucy on a little adventure. Thought we needed a different scene so we went to Tom Campbell's Hill. I heard of it before but wasn't sure where or what to expect. It was a nice little park and we'll have to definitely go back in the summer when the grass is green. Also I think this will be a great spot for taking night shots. Going to have to add this to my places to revisit.



Calgary Skyline



Funny cloud

On the drive home, we were by Fort Calgary and I've never been so thought we'd quickly stop by to check it out. Sorry to say I was disappointed. I've always heard of all the events and how wonderful the place is. It is just a large building with 2 smaller sheds. Guess I can't complain as they have been standing for all this time. Anyway we took a little walk around it, along the Bow River shoreline and then drove home.

 Main building

Out buildings


Along the river pathway there are these red boxes

On top of the boxes are these silver maple leaves

I searched the Calgary website to find out what these are. They are part of the new East Village revitalization and these are actual seats and they light up at night (another TRIP!) - "the red cubed seating is internally lit adding a special night time effect along the riverbanks." Good thing I'm taking a night photography class in a couple of weeks.

Front (or back?) of Fort Calgary facing the Bow River

Friday, March 22, 2013

Evening walk

I left work early today and went to get the car. I dropped off the toner at Staples then went to PetSmart to get some dog food and to look for a dog puzzle (puzzle is for Lucy, not me!). Next I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond to see if they had any dog puzzles but they didn't. I was able to order the one I wanted with them though. Hopefully it will be here in a reasonable time. We'll then take pictures and see how smart Lucy really is.

Started driving to mom & dad's to pick Lucy up and saw there was a traffic jam getting onto Deerfoot so I went through Riverbend and thought I'd stop at PetPlanet. Nope no dog puzzle there either. One last try at Petland but again no luck on the one I wanted. They had one but Lucy is too smart and would have it figured out in no time. Just like her ball she currently has.

Picked up the mutt from the Parental Units and started home. I thought I'd hit Southland park to let Lucy run, but driving down Deerfoot there was a backup of traffic, so I cut through Riverbend again. Instead we went over to Beaver Dam Flats where we got the following pictures. Lucy got dirty but then we went to PetSmart to get her nails trimmed and the nice dog groomer cleaned her up a bit for me. Lucy is getting a bath this weekend, I was hoping to hold off until Sunday and I guess so far so good.

Here are some pictures taken during our walk.

Nice evening and skyline 

 Funny trees

 Graffiti under the CP Rail bridge

 Covered picnic area

 Wasp nest

 Tree roots coming out of the bank

 Nice tree with beautiful blue sky

Dirty dog dancing on the tabletop

Moon up over the hilltop