Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cali's Remembrance Day

Today was a year since Cali had gone over to the Rainbow Bridge. People who don't have pets do not understand the bond we have with our pets. The bond is very strong.

Snoopy and I went to Fish Creek - Hull Woods for a nice walk to remember Cali. We had gone here once with Cali before and I thought it would be a nice change for the both of us. Even though Snoopy had to be on-leash, I let her pick the way. She took us along a creek to the river and along the riverbank. It was a very nice day for our walk. It was a little cold but we were thankful there was no snow.

I took some pictures of our adventure today.

Creek that was frozen over but it was cracking and starting to melt.

Snoopy loves logs, so I was able to get a picture of her checking things out.

Here is a Spooky tree we came upon the final leg of our walk.

A few comments made from people about Cali today:

Sheila Pinkney - "Have a nice day today. Don't cry to much. I know that is impossible, but do try. Remember the good times and all the love Cali gave you. I smile when I think of her looking up at me through the glass table wanting to be fed."

Jacki Jenkins - "Hey there. Just wanted to wish you a day of good memories & Cali licks. You know the ones where she uses her entire tongue. Don't cry its a great memory I cherish. Makes me miss her but brings her close. Feels that tongue licking & I smile."

Linda Jetty - "((hugs)) to you my friend. Cali was with you in spirit on the walk."

Ross Lemon - "We didn't loose a puppy, we gained an angel. Cali is always with us :)"

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