Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Busy couple of weeks

The start of my busy weeks has started. I am taking a Project Management course at Mount Royal University. This is just the introduction course but it is also the first course I’ve taken in over 10 years. YIKES! We’ll see how well I do, or more specifically how long my attention span is for taking the remaining courses. It will take about 2 years but I’ll then have a certificate in Project Management.

This introduction course is only 4 classes, but they are from 6-10pm Mondays and Wednesdays. The instructor seems nice and the first class wasn’t that bad. We’ll see how it goes after I’m finished. I was exhausted Tuesday morning. People at work even commented how tired I looked.

This week I have my two classes – Monday & Wednesday – and then at work we have the Customer Appreciation Event. This is the 27th Annual event and it is mandatory to attend. So I have to dress up fancy like and mingle with the mucky mucks. The event is being held in the Fairmont Palliser Hotel and it includes an after party at a local pub. There have been many stories about these parties so it should be interesting. I attended my first year working for Metafore and remembered having a blast. But I was a lonely worker bee, not in the higher profile position I’m in now.

This Saturday, Jacki & I are going to a Tibetan bazaar. That should be interesting.

Next week I have my two final classes and then on Thursday, mom, dad & I are going over to John & Sheila’s for US Thanksgiving dinner. Sheila is going to teach mom how to make real gravy in a skillet.

Next Saturday is the final wrestling event for the year.

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