Sunday, October 25, 2009

My dad the groupie

So Theron Fleury wrote a book and there was his book signing today at one of the Chapters in town. Dad knew about it for a week now and today he was humming and hawing about going. I went over to Jacki's so we could do some shopping. We called home to mom to see if she wanted to come with us but she didn't. She did mention that dad was going to go to Chapters to get Fleury to sign his book. This was at 2:30pm.

We dropped him off and warned me before hand that he might have to stand in line for a while as the signing started at 2pm.

At 3:30pm, he called Jacki and told us Fleury just finished his speech and was starting to sign books.... plus there were about 400 people in front of him!

Around 5pm Jacki & I went to Chapters to see how far long dad was and he was still WAY back in line. We went to get him some water and told him to call us when he was done as he didn't want to leave now.

Well around 7pm I called him again and he indicated he was about 25 people from Fleury. So I drove to pick him up and as I got into the store he had just finished getting his signature.

So dad waiting in line for 5 hours to get Theron Fleury's autograph. I guess Fleury said that he would stay there all night to sign autographs as he didn't want to miss anyone.

Dad also said that the employees from Chapters thought there were about 600 to 1,000 people at the signing - the biggest they have ever had!

So my dad was a groupie today and has a story to tell for a little while now.

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