Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy 70th Birthday / Halloween

Today was mom’s 70th birthday. For turning 70, she sure looks and acts great! She is like she is in her second childhood, which is a good thing!!

Jacki & I took mom shopping today, for nothing in specific just to spend time together. I was able to get a good haircut today and to top it off it only cost me $16.80!

Last night dad took the family – mom, Jacki, Rod & myself out for mom’s birthday dinner at this hole in the wall Chinese Restaurant. This was a last minute thing so Uncle Ken couldn’t make it. Dana has been sick so she was at home. So it was a wonderful family dinner with just the 5 of us. We all had a good time and went to Jacki’s afterwards. It was just a short walk to/from Jacki’s place.

Mom wanted an ice cream cake from Marble Slab and has been talking about it all week. She pouted that she didn’t get one Friday night after dinner but she didn’t know I had bought one and it was in the freezer at home.

My friends John & Sheila came over Saturday to surprise mom with a gift and we had the cake then. Sheila has adopted mom & dad because she is an orphan. So mom’s OTHER daughter got her a nice table centerpiece with candles on it.

Halloween was very slow and we only had maybe 30 kids. Normally there are a ton of kids around but tonight it was dismal. I shut the door and turned the light off at 7:30pm.

I watched The Rocky Horror Picture show in full (I’ve always only seen parts of it) and was disappointed. I guess my tastes have changed or it wasn’t what I expected.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My dad the groupie

So Theron Fleury wrote a book and there was his book signing today at one of the Chapters in town. Dad knew about it for a week now and today he was humming and hawing about going. I went over to Jacki's so we could do some shopping. We called home to mom to see if she wanted to come with us but she didn't. She did mention that dad was going to go to Chapters to get Fleury to sign his book. This was at 2:30pm.

We dropped him off and warned me before hand that he might have to stand in line for a while as the signing started at 2pm.

At 3:30pm, he called Jacki and told us Fleury just finished his speech and was starting to sign books.... plus there were about 400 people in front of him!

Around 5pm Jacki & I went to Chapters to see how far long dad was and he was still WAY back in line. We went to get him some water and told him to call us when he was done as he didn't want to leave now.

Well around 7pm I called him again and he indicated he was about 25 people from Fleury. So I drove to pick him up and as I got into the store he had just finished getting his signature.

So dad waiting in line for 5 hours to get Theron Fleury's autograph. I guess Fleury said that he would stay there all night to sign autographs as he didn't want to miss anyone.

Dad also said that the employees from Chapters thought there were about 600 to 1,000 people at the signing - the biggest they have ever had!

So my dad was a groupie today and has a story to tell for a little while now.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Boring October

So there really hasn't been much going on this month. I tried to arrange an outing to the local corn maze (I've never been) but the weather turned crappy and then it closed. Next year I'm gonna go in August!

Thanksgiving came and went. My friends John & Sheila & Jaime came over and we all had a good time. It was nice to have the family (included adopted Pinkneys!) to dinner.

I've been sick lately and am finally going to see the doctor this Thursday. I've had all my bloodwork, etc done so I'll see what she says then. If I don't go bald beforehand! I've been losing my hair in clumps and it is getting really, really thin.

Went to wrestling last night and it was ok. I have been in a kind of funk and don't know how to explain it but live goes on.