Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Funny guy dad!

This lovely handy work is courteously of my father. There was a mouse trap upstairs that needed to be taken down but I would always forget. So my helpful dad brought it down along with this plastic rat we had. For the longest time he would deny he had anything to do with it or acknowledge it. What a guy!

This reminds me of the best April Fools joke he played on me. I believe I was still in high school and we were living out at Chestermere. He came running down the hall with a fishnet in his hands tapping the floor along the way. This woke me up so he then came tapping into my room and told me to hold the fishnet at the headboard closest to the door. He then told me that there was a gopher in the house and he was going to get a stick to scare it out and I would catch it in the net for him.

Dirty bugger then went out into the hallway and laughed his ass off. I was groggy so thought it was believable. That was the best joke he ever played. We still laugh about it to this day. My dad the comedian.

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