Sunday, May 31, 2009

Quilts, Quilts and more Quilts

I know I should probably be outside enjoying this nice weather but it is really nice to have the house to myself and to be able to get a few things done without being interrupted all the time. I wanted to post and update my quilt album so here goes.

This is the first quilt I ever made. I came back from Peru and found some material that had Peruvian images on it. Thus my Peru quilt.

Dog Lap Quilt - A quick lap quilt made out of my stash of dog material. This is the second quilt I made.

Appliqued Heart Quilt - mom had appliqued all the hearts on this quilt when her and dad drove down to Ontario one year. This is my favourite quilt and stays on my bed.

Quilt from Hell. This was made in Winnipeg during the month I was waiting to sell my house and move back home. It was machine quilted back in Calgary by Sheila Mote. This quilt fits a queen size bed.

Pinwheel Quilt - I don't like the green on it but it came out OK.

Table topper made out of some charm squares. Mom has hand appliqued daisies on it.

Sunflower table runner made for Sheila P.

Sunflower table runner made for Sheila P.

Cali's Quilt - I made this for Cali when she was nothing but skin and bones. The turtle blocks were made by someone else, I just put it together.

Chain of Pastels quilt made out of 1930s reproduction material - made for Sheila P. for Christmas 2007. Machine quilted by Sheila Mote.

Pretty in Pink Quilt made for Jamie F. - Christmas 2007. Machine quilted by Sheila Mote.

Checkerboard Quilt made for John P. - Christmas 2007.

Farmyard Animals quilt made for Kim & Ted F. - my adoptive family in Texas.

Hip to be Squared Quilt kit made for Dana Swanson-Jenkins. Machine quilted by Jane Goddard.

Block of the month quilt - Garden Trails - made for Jacki. Machine quilted by Jane Goddard.

This is the hand appliqued dolphin label I made for the back of Jacki's quit.

Well they are off....

Popeye and Olive Oil should already be in Seattle now.

I dropped them off at the airport at 6am and haven't heard from them so I am assuming they caught the new flight to Seattle.

Good thing I sent my alarm (and turned it ON!) as I woke up at 3:30am expecting to hear them moving about but nothing. So I went upstairs to let Paige out and they were both sound asleep, soring like there is no tomorrow.

After dropping them off I came home, watered the flowerbed and lawn and went back to sleep. I think I was more excited for them then they were. Most likely because they were still worried they'd miss the ship.

Ahhhhh, peace and quiet for a whole week now! Plus I'm working from home. What more can a girl ask for!?!?!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Update on Parent's Trip

Mom and dad got a call from Marge who tried to get her boarding passes and found out the flight was cancelled! She called mom in a panic and of course dad flew off the handle.

Mom called Air Canada and was able to get an early flight still in time for them to catch their ship to Alaska.

It was a few tense moments and now I know for sure they won't be sleeping at all tonight. At least we get to sleep in a bit.

It will be interesting once I drop them off at the airport at 6am now.


Last Supper

Jacki took Mom, Dad and myself out to dinner this evening before they leave on for their trip tomorrow. I am driving them to the airport to be there for 4AM tomorrow morning! They leave at 6am and fly to Seattle where they will board the Norwegian Pearl and sail off to Alaska. I wish I was going as I need a holiday very, very badly.

We went back to Jacki's place and I was snooping through some of her books and found two great quotes that really mean something to me.


The past is gone forever and cannot be changed. Forgive yourself and others and move on. Live for the present and make it positive and wonderful. All that you are learning today can be put to good use tomorrow. Today is the first day of the rest of your life - get on with it, every moment is precious.


You cannot undo what you have done, although you can try to repair the damage. Forgive yourself and others. Guilt will fill you with anguish. What is past is past. Go forward with your life and learn from your experience to make you a better, more feeling and loving person.

If there were any two quotes that explained my persona, it would be those two.

I think my traveling Alberta trip is off this year. With the economy, the price of gas and not knowing what my job holds I think I'll be sticking close to home. I might make a few day trips though.

Dad and I were talking this morning and we got on the topic of the old house Grandma Jenkins lived in, in Drumheller. How the house did not have the front room on it when dad was growing up as that was later on when Grandma and Canada got together. Dad also was reminiscing about how he used to walk everywhere growing up. His brother Jimmy had a bike and would ride home and be home a half hour earlier than dad. Dad would get a spanking for being late, but that was because he was walking.

Not until dad traded his dog Rex for Jimmy's bike did he get around any other way than walking.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Funny guy dad!

This lovely handy work is courteously of my father. There was a mouse trap upstairs that needed to be taken down but I would always forget. So my helpful dad brought it down along with this plastic rat we had. For the longest time he would deny he had anything to do with it or acknowledge it. What a guy!

This reminds me of the best April Fools joke he played on me. I believe I was still in high school and we were living out at Chestermere. He came running down the hall with a fishnet in his hands tapping the floor along the way. This woke me up so he then came tapping into my room and told me to hold the fishnet at the headboard closest to the door. He then told me that there was a gopher in the house and he was going to get a stick to scare it out and I would catch it in the net for him.

Dirty bugger then went out into the hallway and laughed his ass off. I was groggy so thought it was believable. That was the best joke he ever played. We still laugh about it to this day. My dad the comedian.

Monday, May 04, 2009

A house struck my dad

Dad was under the deck getting some flower pots out and I took this picture with my blackberry. It looks as if the house fell on him. .....and your little dog Toto too!