Monday, March 08, 2010

Dear Jane on HOLD & other stuff

Well I’ve been thinking and I’m going to be putting my Dear Jane quilt project on hold – either until the Fall or until next year. I just haven’t had the chance to do any quilting since getting Lucy and this quilt requires a lot of concentration. So I’ll continue receiving the monthly patterns and fabric but will keep them boxed up until the time comes when I can work on them again.

I will be starting on my Block of the Day again as I’m falling behind on this. But if I cut out the material for 3-4 days and then put the blocks together I should get caught up again. I could get a couple of blocks done per day this way. I’d like to also get ahead on these again as I’m going to busy the next little while.

Lucy & I start puppy classes on Tuesday. Actually the first class is without her but then we are going for a good 6 weeks. After that I will be taking Project Management courses for the month of May and June. I want to get my certification and also my boss has been asking me about this. We had talked about it last year with my performance evaluation and I see he is going to bring it up again this year. I am going to make him pay for it though.

The last couple of nights/early mornings I’ve been really, really dizzy and light headed. So much so that when I take Lucy out at 1-2am I can’t stand or walk. I’m almost in a drunken state and have to hold onto things to ensure that I don’t fall over. It is very scary. Even laying down I feel like the room is spinning. I do get better as the morning goes on but I hope this stop. Two days is a row is enough for me now.

A Happy belated Birthday to Uncle Ken who is enjoying himself down in New Zealand!

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