Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Monday, December 28, 2020

Dear Jane - A9

Cabin Fever

Dear Jane - TR2

Australian Pines

I was able to get a printer and now am able to work on the paper piecing blocks. I should be able to now continue back on the month by month plan I had for finishing this quilt. I also need to ensure I take my time. On some of the complicated blocks, I will be doing test blocks first.

This is the final block for Month 1 out of 24 - yay me!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Dear Jane - C10

Patriot's Lantern

At least I didn't have to redo this block. I on purposely made this block larger than 5 inches so I could cut it down to the 5 inch mark. Now when I put it together, it will be the finished 4.5 inches it is supposed to be.

Dear Jane - Change in Plans, Starting Over...

So just a little change in plan here. Instead of going month by month, I will need to work on the blocks that I can easily cut out thus leaving the paper pieced ones to later on. I need a printer and don't have access to one yet so they will be left to later for now. 

Depending on the blocks, this project might be on hold until I get access to a printer. My EQ program doesn't zoom in enough for me to see the cutting instructions. I had to spoof a printer just to be able to do a print preview.

Plus now I have to start over. Sigh.... I thought my blocks were to be cut to 4.5 inches for a 4 inch finished block. So I took everything apart (except for 4 blocks!) and cut them down. As I did this I noticed that it was cutting off some of the block. I'm hoping I have enough of the fabric to start over.

I won't be taking pictures of the blocks I had to redo, you'll just have to take my word for it that they are done.

Dear Jane - C3

Rayelle's Fence

Dear Jane - B1

Batchelor Buttons

Friday, December 25, 2020

Dear Jane - Progress

Playing with my EQ program, here is a progress look at my quilt so far.

Dear Jane - Month 2

I still have TR2 to complete from Month 1 - it is paper pieced and I don't have the pattern printed off. There were 24 months in the Block of the Month I bought back in 2010.

Here are Month 1 blocks A1-A8 sewn together:

So I will be starting on Month 2 now to continue working on the blocks. This month consists of Blocks A9-A13, B1-B3 and TR3-TR4.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Dear Jane - TR1

Spanish Moss

So this is what a 2 hour block looks like. Plus I had to do this twice. The first time, the instructions I had was for a 4.5 x 4.5 finished block. This is really supposed to be 5 x 8.5. First one went together quickly, second one.... not so fast. In total it took me 2 hours for the final project.

Dear Jane - A8

Florence Nightingale

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Dear Jane - A5

Cathie's Campfire

No wonder this quilt takes a long time - the pieces are SO small.

Co-vercome - Block 18

Keep on Rollin'

This one is to remind us that we will get through Covid and to keep on going.


Monday, December 21, 2020

Dear Jane - A4

Courtney's Stethoscope

This one was a little challenging as the middle section had no instructions. I had to fudge the size to make it work.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Dear Jane - A3

Hunter's Moon

This is the first Appliqué block. I cheated a bit but shhhhh, don't tell anyone.

Dear Jane - A2

One-Two Buckle My Shoe

Dear Jane - A1

Pinwheel Gone Awry

Even though I made this block way back in 2003, I added the backing to begin quilting as I go.

Dear Jane - Let's Begin

Ok so it has been 11 months since I first said I was going to start this project but I'm at a point where I have nothing pressing to complete and my days of procrastination are over. I'm reviewing what I had setup previously - doing the quilt as you go, reviewing the patterns, etc.

Since I bought this block of the month kit back in 2003, I'm going to be careful to not waste fabric. This could be a slow process and I know it won't be perfect. 

The first block was done way back then, but it is a start. Welcome to my next quilting adventure!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Cov-ercome - Block 17


This block reminds me that time does do wonders, and when in a low spot for whatever reason, put on some music and dance!

Monday, December 07, 2020

Festive Mood

Trying to get into the festive mood, who wore it better? Santa Bugg or Santa Lucy?

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Happy 11th Birthday

My little girl turned 11 today. I didn't think she'd be in such good shape at this age but she is doing great. She still acts like a puppy from time to time. Still Grandpa's little girl, full of mischief at times. My bed hog, cuddle buddy and confidant. I love this little monster.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Farmer's Wife - Block 92

Streak of Lightning

Last block! Now to start cutting out the strips and putting the quilt together.