Saturday, April 19, 2014

Lent - Day 40 (Celebrate)

This is the final act: your chance to celebrate the journey you've taken and Jesus' incredible generosity on the cross.

This weekend I'm celebrating with my family. Spending time with mom, dad & Jacki. Then on Sunday with Rod, Dana and Ken. I'm lucky to have such a wonderful family.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Lent - Day 39 (Share Your Story)

Today I'm supposed to share my story about how God has come into my life.

Sorry but I don't feel he has come into my life. I'm not a religious person and don't believe there is one power. Yes there is something larger than mankind out there.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Lent - Day 38 (Wipe the Slate)

Forgive someone. This is a fairly personal challenge, so you may need to take some time alone first to think. Find a place where you feel most comfortable and ask God to bring to mind someone whom you need to forgive. 

This is generosity of a different, and in some cases more difficult, sort. Acknowledge it, knowing that you're doing it with His help, then get on with your day.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lent - Day 37 (Be Second)

Ring up a friend, co-worker, or neighbour. You could pick your spouse or child if you’d like. Tell them you've got some free time and let them know you'd like to spend time with them. Arrange to meet up wherever they fancy. Let another person lead your schedule. For today, or for a block of today, another person's priorities are going to be above your own.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lent - Day 36 (Share your Lunch)

Re-appropriate your lunch break. Make or buy your lunch as usual, then use it towards a greater end than your own full stomach. Share it. Perhaps even make an extra sandwich, just in case. It could be to build a friendship over food with someone who only had time to grab a Twix from the office cafeteria. Maybe you'll find yourself feeding a hungry person you meet on the street

The key is to be smart and compassionate with the normal food that you're blessed with every day.

I ate at my desk as per normal as the kitchen at work is always full and there is not enough room for everyone. Unless I wanted to eat at 11 could I get a seat, but seeing my meeting ran till noon that is kind of hard.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Who says work has to be boring!?!?!

Lent - Day 35 (Gospel)

Today's act is to preach. Well that isn't going to happen. This is something I don't believe in so I'm not going to be doing this act today. I'll find something else positive to complete today.

The Sun is shining and it is supposed to be nice out so I'm sure I can come up with something.

Have a good one!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Lent - Day 34 (Date in their Diary)

Heads up! Next Saturday – Easter Saturday – we’re going to ask you to throw a party, or some kind of generous event, for your immediate community. Today’s the day to send out invites and start thinking about the kind of event you’d like to host.

Next weekend we are having Easter at Mom & Dad's but on Sunday. Time for us all to get together and celebrate how lucky we are all able to still get together. Here's hoping Uncle Ken will show as well.

SDDA Designated Odour Test

We passed our odour test today in 9 seconds flat. I'm so proud of Lucy.

Our test:

Friday, April 11, 2014

Lent - Day 33 (Soapbox)

Find a petition for change that resonates with you and sign it. The online ones usually have a social media sharing feature that we rapidly scroll away from; today, let the world (or your 300 followers) know. Alternatively, write a letter to your local councillor about an overlooked wrong in your area. Whatever you do, today, wear your heart on your sleeve about an injustice that gets you riled up.

My heart is always on my sleeve but I never took any action today.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lent - Day 32 (Clear Out)

Time for a clear out! Don’t stop at the fashion howlers, go through your wardrobe and take out any good quality clothes that you no longer use or never cut the tags off and re-gift them to a charity shop. If you’ve got friends or family who are low on clothes, send them in that direction.

Or – and here's a bigger challenge for the fashionistas among us – pick out a couple of items you're too attached to and give them away too.

So I jumped ahead and had already done this. I'm on a roll!

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Lent - Day 31 (Be Crafty)

We’re about to make a mess and create some smiles. Need some ideas for a crafty gift? Mixtapes aren’t just for high school. Think back and remember a friend who you were close to once, but haven’t spoken to in a while. Put a playlist together and send it their way, digitally or physically. For the more craft-stall-minded out there, you could go down the scrapbook or photo album route. You don’t need a bunch of specialist equipment to make something special.

I've been working on being crafty for over a month now. I'm sewing up some peanuts material to make a few quilts for a fellow Peanut lover. It has been a long process but I have all the material cut out now and just need to sit down and start sewing.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Lent - Day 30 (Meet a Need)

Do you know where the local needs are in your area? Foodbanks are a fantastic way for churches to be involved in the frontline of the community. Get in touch with the one nearest to you today and find out if you can donate any stuff that they're low on. There are other ways to get on board with today's challenge. You could also volunteer your time at a homeless shelter, or help out at a youth club. Go beyond your usual boundaries and see where you can join those who are meeting bigger needs across your community.

How fitting. Today I had "donated" some clothing to the local donation box. Interesting how fate works.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Lent - Day 29 (Well Versed)

Today's act is to hop on to any social network and post your favorite Bible verse, along with a brief message to say why it means something to you. Since I have no idea what any verses are in the Bible there really isn't much for me to post!

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Lent - Day 28 (Go Guerrilla)

Act for today.... Today you're going to be a well-kept secret. Try to find a way to meet somebody's need without telling them. Clean a neighbour's car when they're not looking, do a bit of gardening in a public place (as long as it’s not illegal!), pick some litter on the high street. The spontaneity is key (and also generally adds to the fun). Guerrilla generosity is all about catching people off guard and doing something unexpected. Let us know what you get up to!

This one I didn't accomplish today but I am going to keep in my back pocket to do in the near future.

Lucy & Bugg

Red Deer Quilt Show

Mom and I went to the Red Deer Quilt Show today. It was a nice drive but the show was a little disappointing. Everything was SO dark - browns, blacks, greys. Nothing exciting really. I did find a nice pumpkin pattern:

And a pattern to use some of the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 pieces of scraps we have:

Guess it wasn't a total bust! I did find some Peanuts material to make a quilt out of.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Lucy - Mock DOT

What is a mock DOT you say? It is a Designated Odour Test (DOT) and Lucy is going to try her hand, or nose at it. It is through the Canadian nose work organization of Sporting Detection Dogs Association (SDDA) and the real trial is next weekend.

Basically you have a room full of boxes and in one of the boxes is the odor - wintergreen. We have 3 minutes after we cross a line to find the box with the scent in it. It is Lucy's job to find the odor and my job to recognize her pointing the odor out to me.

Tonight we did two practice runs. There were 9 other people practicing tonight & they all sounded like they've been doing this for a while. Made me nervous. The first run we found the box in 38 seconds. I second guessed Lucy & would have been faster if I'd just watch her do her stuff.

The second run was a lot better & we completed it in 17 seconds.

A few of our competitors didn't find anything in the 3 minutes but one did in 6 seconds. 

So we have a little bit of training to do before our first competition next Saturday. This will be the real deal! Wish us luck!!

Lent - Day 27 (Blooming Marvellous)

Act for today is to say it with flowers. I'm to give flowers to someone just to show I care.

Seeing it is 9:50pm today's challenge is not gonna happen. I think I'm going to do this next week as I've been thinking of a friend of mine for a while so I will stop off at her place just to see how she is doing.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Lent - Day 26 (Domino)

Not doing so well this week BUT I haven't been out so with this act for today, I will use it another day.

I'm going to pay for someone's coffee or whatever in the next line up I'm in.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Lent - Day 25 (Treasure Hunt)

Act for today is go to a public place and ask God to do something through me.

Failed on this one. I had every intent on going outside for lunch but got busy and forgot!

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Lent - Day 24 (Winning = Grinning)

Act: Winning = Grinning

Sorry to crash your April Fool's Day - today, any pranks are going to be of the uplifting and not of the ritual humiliation variety. So turn the tables. Crack a joke that isn't at someone else's expense. Cheer up someone who looks bored. Make a point of not doing the grumbly British thing if someone pranks you. Your challenge is to make someone else smile on April Fool's Day.

This one was easy. I joke around with my fellow co-workers almost daily so it was easy to make someone smile. We have a great time in my little area.