Sunday, April 28, 2013

Crocus', Clover and Big Foot

Last year mom had said several times how she wished she had crocus' coming up in the front lawn. Well when they went on their Panama Canal cruise, Jacki and I bought about 100 crocus bulbs and planted them in the front lawn. They have finally started coming up and here are the pictures of the ones popping up so far.

Mom and I went to Greengate, the local garden centre and I found what I thought was impossible - 4 leaved clover!  Yes these are real and I found not only 1 but 2! These pictures are not doctored in any way and I have the clover to prove it.

On our way out of the garden centre we also bumped into Big Foot.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Wreck City

Tonight I went to Wreck City to take some pictures. Here is what it is about:

"WRECK CITY is a community-based art experiment transforming nine Sunnyside homes scheduled for demolition into temporary art, installation, and performance spaces. Organized by local Artists to commemorate 809 Gallery. Calgary's first garage-based art gallery (also scheduled for demolition) WRECK CITY features 100 Artists, Musicians, Curators, and Performers! Perhaps the largest DIY exhibition of its type ever seen in Canada, participants are free to radically alter the architecture of the houses, re-shaping the homes using materials from the houses themselves and beginning a metamorphosis made only by the freedom of working with buildings soon to be destroyed. You're invited to witness the transformation!"

kitchen cupboards

bedroom graffiti

oven monster

trap door to the basement

ladder to basement

kennel on the roof

cardboard room cut out

bedroom monster

more monsters

pot room

tire covering hole to basement

under the sea


treehouse in the greenhouse

big birds nest

slide in the house

bridge between two houses


wood in the living room

Office "Incident"

Today I tried to play one last practical joke on one of the ladies in the office. It was to be a murder scene as another lady brought in her target from when she went to the gun range for the first time. Plus I was going to use the dog that was chopped open for the April Fool's day. I went in early to get this done. Well as I was starting to put this together guess who walked around the corner and caught me. Yes, the intended victim. Needless to say I didn't get everyone done but here are some pictures of what I had started.