Friday, October 28, 2011

Foo Fighters Concert

Took Rod to a concert last night for his birthday present. Actually I wanted to see the band but didn't have anyone to go with so asked he if wanted to go. Yay me as he agreed.

This was the best concert I've been to I think ever. It lasted a good 3 hours and was fully of music with not very many interruptions.

Took a few pictures with my crappy camera but am amazed that they turned out ok.

Good times held by all.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fido Casting Call

So I read in a small newspaper article while reading through the flyers about a casting call for dogs. Fido, a cellphone company, uses dogs in all their commercials. So chances of getting picked are slim but you do get a free professional photo of your pet. I thought what the heck and would get up early on Saturday to take Lucy down for her big shot.

I bathed her the night before so she'd be shiny and clean. We woke up on Saturday morning to be down at Eau Claire Market for 8am as that is when the casting call began. I thought rather be early then have to wait in line all day. Knowing Lucy doesn't have the patience, good thing we did.

We got there at 8am and there were only about 10 people in line which wasn't too bad. Signed a waiver and got her pictures taken. The photographer wasn't the greatest as she missed some really good shots of Lucy.

Then waited in line again to review the shots before posting it on Facebook. Along with the casting call, each LIKE on Facebook gets $1 donated by Fido to the Canada Dog Guide association. Not a bad deal.

Isn't she a STAR!

After making Lucy wait in two lines I then took her for a nice walk on Prince's Island. Got a few nice pictures and she had a good time smelling Canadian Goose poo and other unknown items.

Here are our pictures from the day. All-in-all it was a fun little adventure for a couple of hours.

One final shot for her "portfolio"!

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Elbow Falls Trip

Today Lucy and I drove out to Elbow Falls (about 45 minutes from Calgary) and walked around the falls. Then we drove and started on the Ing's Mine Trail. Lucy was getting tired so we turned around on the trail.

After doing some research NOW, the Ing's Mine Trail looks like fun and I'm going to do it (just need to find a hiking partner). It is about 8kms in but then there is a cave you can go into. Sounds like a blast. Sorry Lucy you'll have to stay home for this one.

Here are the pictures from the Elbow Falls. It was a great day with just a little breeze.

This is part of the trail to Ing's Mine. We only went for a little bit as Lucy was getting tired.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Lucy & Valerie's Great Adventure... well sort of.

Lucy and I went for what seemed like a nice walk after supper this evening. We started off from home and headed for the pathway along the top of the ridge. It was a nice evening out and Lucy didn't go for a walk for a few days so I thought we'd go to the knoll. This is a little hill sticking out of the field by the river.

So we walked quickly to the path and went onwards to the knoll. Once we got on top I thought we'd like a little adventure and follow the animal path along the river back to the pathway just down the hill from where we started from.

The pathway goes through some bush and it not seen by the paved pathway on top of the ridge. The only way someone could see you is if they were across the river or a boat on the river.

We made it fine on the pathway and came back upon the paved pathway at the bottom of the hill by the river. At that point my stomach started to rumble.

We started up the long pathway (it is steep and curvy) and I just couldn't make it. The stomach rumbling turned into a little bulge in my shorts. I could feel the urgency to do something but was stuck - I couldn't make it up the long hill and back home in time.

So I went back down the hill a little to where there were large bushes and grass. Lucy was my lookout and I quickly pulled down my pants just before Montezuma hit. Whew, just in time too!

Good thing growing up we went camping and I knew how to do my business in the bush. I used Lucy's poo bag as my toilet paper and stepped out of the grass like nothing happened. Thank goodness no one was around and I'd hate to see what happened if someone went into where I came out. Even Lucy wasn't that adventurous to check it out!

We made it back up the steep hill and home in one piece.

Reminder: NEVER GO FOR A WALK RIGHT AFTER SUPPER ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU HAD SALAD. It just seems to go through me quickly!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pictures from the walk

Here are some pictures from the walk with Lucy tonight and some random pictures of her.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Funny Lucy

So Lucy is a lot like Cali was. When Cali would fart, she would turn around quickly and give a look as if "who did that"?!?

I've noticed tonight when Lucy was sitting outside and was getting bit by some mosquito's, she did the same quick turn around and look to see "who is doing that"?!?! TOO priceless.

Monday, June 06, 2011

My Dog Likes Beer

Yesterday dad & I got 6 nice cold beers to enjoy on a sunny day. It was a nice day and we were talking about beer earlier in the afternoon.

Well I cracked one opened and Lucy went nuts! She was like a dog possessed. She jumped on my lap, pawed at the beer, smelt my breath... just wouldn't let it go. I mistakenly let her have some and after that I couldn't put the bottle down without her trying to get at it. She HAD to have some. I'm not sure what is in it that she wanted but she got her fix.

She did sleep the rest of the night though - huh!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

RIP Snoopy Girl

January 11, 1998 - April 26, 2011

Tonight was a very sad night. I came home from work and mom said there is something wrong with Snoopy. She was sitting on dad's lap for a good 20 minutes and mom said to dad that it looked like she was having a stroke. The first weird thing is that Snoopy NEVER sits on anyone's lap for ANY length of time.

I have noticed the past few days that Snoopy hasn't been herself. She is looking more lost and almost confused. BUT she was eating, doing her business with no problems.

So I took her to the vet and when she had her heart listened too, it was irregular which it has never been. Then the vet checked her pulse and when her heart beat, the vet couldn't get a pulse at the location she was testing. Snoopy also had a swollen belly which I thought was because she just ate. But she had a swollen spleen and liver.

The vet indicated the Snoopy could stay overnight and have tests but she didn't think it would help and could possibly be detrimental. It was at that time that I made the decision to let her go. This was very hard. The vet injected her and it didn't take more than a minute before my sweet Snoopy girl was gone. She slumped over and looked just like she was sleeping. I will never forget the way she looked.

Snoopy has been through a lot and has been a really good girl for the 13+ years we've been together. She was my confidant, friend and good cuddler (when she was in the mood!).

I will miss you dearest Snoopy and know that you are at peace causing havoc with Cali in heaven.