Sunday, October 03, 2010

Stick It To Prostrate Cancer Ball Hockey Tournament

Well today I got up at the ungodly hour of 5am to get ready to volunteer up at CrossIron Mills in Balzac for 8:30am.

I had heard on the radio earlier this week about a call for volunteers for the Prostrate Cancer Ball Hockey tournament. Since dad is a survivor I thought I would volunteer. Plus I thought it sounded like a lot of fun.

Besides getting a swag bag, a Tshirt and a good meal, I really had a wonderful time. If the sun would have come out and the wind would have stopped, it would have been a perfect day. I met a lot of great people and had fun watching the games.

Sheldon Kennedy
Jim Peplinski & Don Cherry (aka Clark Robertson)

They even had free PSA tests today for the guys.

Brett Wilson

One of the participants.

A Survivors' game, featuring local celebrities playing alongside prostate cancer survivors, took place at 12 pm. Some of the participating celebrities include: Calgary philanthropist and prostate cancer survivor, W. Brett Wilson; former NHL pro, Sheldon Kennedy; members of Canada's Olympic luge team, Jeff Christie and Sam Edney; and Calgary Roughneck, Jeff Shattler.

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