Sunday, October 03, 2010

Stick It To Prostrate Cancer Ball Hockey Tournament

Well today I got up at the ungodly hour of 5am to get ready to volunteer up at CrossIron Mills in Balzac for 8:30am.

I had heard on the radio earlier this week about a call for volunteers for the Prostrate Cancer Ball Hockey tournament. Since dad is a survivor I thought I would volunteer. Plus I thought it sounded like a lot of fun.

Besides getting a swag bag, a Tshirt and a good meal, I really had a wonderful time. If the sun would have come out and the wind would have stopped, it would have been a perfect day. I met a lot of great people and had fun watching the games.

Sheldon Kennedy
Jim Peplinski & Don Cherry (aka Clark Robertson)

They even had free PSA tests today for the guys.

Brett Wilson

One of the participants.

A Survivors' game, featuring local celebrities playing alongside prostate cancer survivors, took place at 12 pm. Some of the participating celebrities include: Calgary philanthropist and prostate cancer survivor, W. Brett Wilson; former NHL pro, Sheldon Kennedy; members of Canada's Olympic luge team, Jeff Christie and Sam Edney; and Calgary Roughneck, Jeff Shattler.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Agility Pictures

Here are some pictures taken by dad of Lucy's agility class tonight. She sure seems to enjoy it. This is her 3rd class.

Walking on the bridge.

Jumping thru the tire.

Up and over the A-frame.

Started on a table, over two jumps and into the tunnel.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The 3G Quilt

I know what you are thinking - a 3G quilt!?!?! A third generation standard for cell phone service quilt?

The answer is NO.

The "3G Quilt" is our three generation quilt. The other day while cleaning up some bins, mom & I came across some quilt blocks that Grandma had started. There were two sets - 12" blocks and Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt blocks.

So I carefully squared off the 12" blocks and put them together to form a quilt top. Mom is now going to handquilt it to a backing to finish it off.

Once mom finishes it off and I get the binding on, I'll post a picture of the final project.

I'm going to also put the Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt blocks together, so there will be two 3G quilts when all is said and done.

10-Mar Quilt Block

Block name: Flight of Swallows
Finished size: 12"

09-Mar Quilt Block

Block name: Dublin Steps
Finished size: 12"

08-Mar Quilt Block

Block name: Single Irish Chain
Finished size: 9"

06-Mar Quilt Block

Block name: Calico Puzzle
Finished size: 9"

Monday, September 06, 2010

05-Mar Quilt Block

Block name: Blooming Hearts
Finished size: 8"

25-Feb Quilt Block

Block Name: Sunshine and Shadows
Finished Block Size: 12"

This is a family block. I picked out the material and cut it. Yes I made a mistake and didn't cut out the correct pieces, but I like how the block turned out anyway!

Dad helped and cut out the paper for the appliqué.

Mom of course did the appliqué!

Monday, August 23, 2010

04-Mar Quilt Block

Block name: Rocky Road to Dublin
Finished size: 12"

Sunday, August 22, 2010

03-Mar Quilt Block

Block name: Arizona
Finished size: 12"

02-Mar Quilt Block

Block name: Album Block
Finished size: 12"

Offleash park visit

Dad and I took the girls to the offleash park today. It was overcast and had warmed up. Overall it was a good day. The park wasn't that busy but Lucy was still able to chase other dogs and get chased herself. Here the pictures from today.

Lucy hiding in the weeds.

Snoopy catching up.
Lucy coming back.

Lucy being chased.

Goofy Lucy

Paige & Lucy running back

Lucy hunting

Lucy & Snoopy

Lucy posing

Lucy running

Here comes Lucy

Happy Snoopy

01-Mar Quilt Block

Block name: Alabama
Finished size: 9"

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Garage Sale

Today we had a garage sale. The neighbor convinced dad that since he was having a garage sale, mom & dad should too. It was a community garage sale so we didn't have to advertise.

The realtor who sponsored the community garage sale dropped off our signs on Friday night. So this morning I was up at 5pm, showered and then woke dad up for 6am. He got showered and dressed and went to stick our signs in the ground.

Around 7am, after having a quick bite, we started bringing stuff out of the garage to arrange for the sale. We had the first visitor at around 7:30am. Early birds! Apparently the sale didn't start till 8.

It started out slow but then it really picked up. At one point we had a traffic jam in front of the house and there seemed to be no end to the people.

I was worried that we wouldn't have a good turnout as the weather was cold and overcast, plus still smoky from the BC forest fires. In the early afternoon the sun did appear and the blue sky was visible.
We didn't have a lot of items out but a nice chunk.

I had to bring the dogs outside as they keeped barking from the house and it got annoying. After a while they started to settle down, especially if I had them on the grass and not behind everything in the garage. A few people wanted to know if the dogs were sale too, but I didn't have any serious offers! ;o)

Jacki came over late morning and made us breakfast. We took turns going inside to have a bite to eat but always had two people outside just in case.

It was fun talking to people and the neighbours.

Around 2pm, mom had enough so we called her quits. What we didn't sell we started packing away to take to Value Village who donates the profits of whatever they sell to a few charities. I was amazed at how easy it was to just drive up to the door and drop things off. They took everything without a question and had their warehouse neatly filled with boxes of donations.

We only had 1 small box to be thrown out and the neighbor took it in return of us taking in a box to Value Village for them.

After all was said, we made about $129.40 profit.

Friday, August 13, 2010

29-Feb Quilt Block

Block Name: Winged Nine Patch
Finished Block Size: 16"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 09, 2010

26-Feb Quilt Block

Block Name: Squire Smith's Choice
Finished Block Size: 12"

Sunday, August 08, 2010