Tuesday, August 25, 2009

WorldSkills & my job

I have had a request to explain what the heck the WorldSkills is and what my job is so here goes....

The WorldSkills is a competition like the Olympics but for "skills". For example, some of the skills are Plumbing, Fashion Design, Cooking, Carpentry and so on. The skills are to get people (mainly young students still in high school) to think of other careers besides going to just University. They are not putting down the University choice, but some people just aren't suited for that route. This gives students a chance to see what other options are out there.

The WorldSkills competition is for students currently in technical colleges from around the world. There will be students competing from Australia, Malaysia, UK, Germany, etc.... The events are free to the public so anyone can go down and watch whichever event they like.

One event I personally want to see is the Mechatronics. They build robots and will be building teams to play hockey against each other. Sounds very interesting.

If you are interested you can go to their website for a better explanation. It can be found by clicking on WorldSkills2009.

Now for my job. The company I work for was contracted by the City of Calgary (one of the sponsors of the WorldSkills) to provide 18 technicians per day to install computer hardware, printers, cabling, etc. So after interviewing and hiring 27 staff for this we have been down setting up the Stampede grounds for this huge event.

For people who have been to the Stampede, they will know how big the grounds are. Well just imagine the whole park (plus the new buildings) being used. On the grounds they have put up huge tents (some the largest in the world). Every square inch of the grounds will be used for this competition.

Some of what we have to setup are:
- 850 PCs
- 120 laptops
- 40 printers
- 10 plotters
- lay 43 kms network cables

So my job is to make sure the techs are working and doing a good job. And to follow-up with the WorldSkills people if there are any issues and fixing them. I've had a few issues and am disappointed in one team that is working there but things are relatively going good.

Tomorrow I am spending the whole day down at the Park helping out and watching how the techs work. After the project I have to do reviews for all 27 people so I'm gathering info tomorrow.

I'll be glad when this project is done - September 9th.

I am excited though as Friday is Jury day. I'll keep you all posted!

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