Saturday, February 21, 2009

2009 Travel Adventure

Well I was bored yesterday at work as AGAIN! I had nothing to do (sitting around for 8 hours looking at a screen can get tedious) when I came across the Travel Alberta website. There it listed unusual attractions. I thought, "Hey, I like the unusual!" and started looking at them. Some of the main ones are World's Largest Easter Egg in Vegreville, World's Largest Dinosaur in Drumheller..... and the list goes on.

So I thought to myself, "Self, you don't have any vacation plans this year so why don't you go see a few of these?". I looked at the list and it grew - why only go look at the popular ones? Why not see ALL that Alberta has to offer? Beside the website having "World's Largest" it also had "Roadside Giants". So after spending the afternoon looking up the locations and creating my own map in Google Maps, I have come up with 39 places I want to visit this year to get pictures of these locations!

After work, yes I left early because I couldn't stand being bored anymore, I went to the Visitor Information centre at the base of the Calgary tower and got some handouts on various locations/attractions in Alberta. On the train ride home I started looking through these and have found MORE locations I need to see to visit these Unusual Attractions! This is gonna be fun.

So I'm going to be doing research and will document my final list once I get it complete. I pulled an old Alberta Road Map out of my car and will be marking the places I want to go. Since these places are S-P-R-E-A-D-O-U-T all over Alberta, I'm gonna have to do these in groups. Some will be day trips, that way Snoopy will get used to traveling even though I doubt she'll have any problems. I want to also have a few weekend trips in there as well.

I think this is going to be a great adventure for the Snooper and I. Now just to find a cheap RV/van would make it all the better!


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