Friday, May 26, 2006

It's been about a month...

Ok, so I'm a little late updating my blog. Most of you already know that I am back home in the land of the sane and excitement. Let's see what has happened...

1. Arrived home on April 8th. We packed up and drove the Friday night, slept in Regina and continued on Saturday. We made good time as the weather was great and the highway was quiet. No major incidents to report. Unpacked the moving van into Rod's basement and just kept my clothes with me to take to mom & dad's. Girls we glad to see me and I was glad to see them.

2. Mom and Dad's move. ARG. It was a good thing they didn't take possession of their house in town until May 1st. It took us the entire month of April to pack and toss old stuff. I'm not sure how many trips to the Salvation Army we took, but mom kept saying that everyone there was saying "oh, that poor lady must have died". No ma, you just had a lot of clothes you never wore.

Dad had gotten a 20 cubic bin that we had filled with junk in no time. We had that one taken away and a smaller bin was brought out. That we filled as well. I can't believe how much stuff we got rid of, it was truly scary. When I started packing in Winnipeg I thought I had a lot of stuff. I tell you I'm not going to be a pack rat.

We packed boxes all month and I hate the thought of moving when I get a job and find a place. Luckily for me all my stuff is already packed and stored at Rod's, so the pain will just be moving it. If I don't move ever again I'll be a very happy person. The next place I find to live, I think I will be there for a very, very, very long time.

Mom & Dad's move didn't go too bad and their new house is just right for the two of them. The basement needs to be developed, but that should be done this summer. Once mom gets her quilt room setup, she'll be happy. The dogs did very well in this move and I'm proud of them.

The yard is small but they don't need to have anything larger. Dad has a lot of reading to do to learn how to work the underground sprinklers, alarm system, infloor heating in the basement.... the list goes on.

Dad actually got all his boxes unpacked today. He was in the garage and has most of his stuff put away. Once we have a garage sale (hopefully next week), we should get rid of a lot more stuff and he'll be able to put his truck in the garage.

3. Jacki has been working since the first week in May. She is really enjoying it and seems to have fun.

4. Dana found a job and has been working for about 2 weeks now. Her first official week, she was in Toronto for 4 days training. I really don't think she wanted to go back to work but she did. She enjoyed not having to deal with people and be able to do whatever she pleased.

5. I've been slowly looking for a new job, but I'm not looking too hard. This past week I've had the most activity since getting back in Calgary. I've had about 4 interviews so we'll see what comes out of them. I still have no idea what I want to do. I know I don't want a TON of responsibility and just want to be a worker bee from now on. Working for myself would be ideal, but I haven't found anything I could do yet. It will come and I'm not too worried, until mom & dad get their basement renovated. Then I have to be out for 2-3 months, possibly living in my car with the girls.

6. Rod missed Dana so much when she was in Toronto, he proposed to her last Saturday and she was silly enough to say YES! She has a beautiful ring and he has a hop in his step.

7. Moving back to Alberta is the best thing I could have done. Yes I had a headache getting all my id and stuff back to Alberta. You need to have so many pieces of paper showing your proof of citizenship, it is crazy. I had to have my car inspected, it failed and had to shell out $3000 so I could get a license plate. Weird how I had my Alberta insurance for a good 3 weeks before I could even get my drivers license.

You will all be glad to hear that I am learning to RELAX. I'm not stressing out as much and taking things easy. I know it is hard to believe but it is true.

Basically that is all that has happened in the past month and I'll post again soon. Take care everyone!

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