Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Holidays, Driving and Back At It...

Well the holidays have come and gone. I want to wish everyone a happy holiday season and all the best in the New Years.

I was lucky enough to be able to go home for the holidays. Jacki & I drove home on December 23rd. We left at 5:18 am and got to mom & dad's at about 6:45 pm. The start was really bad as it was foggy and we couldn't see the end of the car. Once we got out of Manitoba, we were able to make up time.

My visit home was wonderful. I really didn't know I'd miss Calgary and all my friends as much as I did. I really, really miss Calgary. Winnipeg does have a slow pace with a small town feel, but nothing beats Calgary and the hum you feel as soon as you hit the city limits. Plus it has all my friends, whom I miss. I was able to meet up with Sheila & John and Debbie & George. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet up with Ross V, Ross L, Trish and the rest of the gang, but I had limited time and had shopping to do. Of course I had to shop - NO PST!

Christmas was good and it was nice to spend time with mom & dad, as well as Uncle Ken.

We drove home New Year's eve, which was good as the roads were quiet. We hit bad driving conditions from Swift Current to Regina. Other than that, it was smooth sailing.

I really want to go back to Calgary so am counting down the time I have left in my contract. I'm looking into business solutions for my move back to Calgary.

Getting back into the swing of things has been more then interesting. Today I let 4 people go and have a month to get the call centre into working order so I can go to Mexico in February with no worries. I did really well this past holiday season as I didn't check my email until the Sunday I came back to Winnipeg. This I shouldn't have done as there was nothing but issues and problems - hard to believe especially since we were CLOSED!!

Today was stressful and tiring so I'm hoping the remainder of the week goes better.

That's all for now folks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Girls I'm sure Calgary was just as happy to see you as you were for it. You know that saying, "there's no place like home" Do hope you have a very Merry Christmas on the 7th - see you're not done yet!All is going fairly well in the East. They tell me Wpg. isn't that far from Ont.!! Take care.